
On this week’s episode, Jon and Megs discuss protests, medieval weaponry, pornography, and Difficult People (the short-lived series on HULU).

This week’s featured song of the week is Bang! Bang! by Le Tigre

If A Tree Falls In The Forest (Quarantine Episode)

On this week’s episode, Jon and Megs discuss Little Richard, quarantine dating, and prosthetic penises.

This week’s featured song of the week is If A Tree Falls In The Forest by Ellen Siberian Tiger

Troubled Girl (Quarantine Episode)

On this week’s pandemic episode, Megan talks about her neighbors and Jon gives some advice. Topics include the rapture and glory hole manicures.

This week’s featured song is Troubled Girl by Drab City

Sister Dynamite (Quarantine Episode)

On this week’s quarantine episode, Jon and Megs talk about greed, remorse, and etymology.

Photo Credit: Denée Segall

This week’s featured song is Sister Dynamite by Alice Bag

Here, Kitty Kitty (Quarantine Episode)

On this week’s quarantine episode, Megs and Jon provide a pandemic update and discuss pirates, Fiona Apple, and shame inducing attractions.

This week’s featured song is Here, Kitty Kitty by Alex Winston

Are You There

On this week’s PANDEMIC episode of Secretly Timid, Megs discusses a product called, “Come and Gone,” and Jon lets go of a receipt.


This week’s featured song is, Are You There, by Psychic Love Child

Ode To Fire

On this week’s episode, Jon and Megs are joined by Joel. Things are weird, y’all. This show was recorded via Skype because COVID-19 has shut everything down. Stay safe out there!

This week’s featured song of the week is Ode To Fire by Jealous of the Birds.