Otieno Knows Butts

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid,  Otieno opens up his Christmas present from Joe In Dallas and the group talks about butt stuff.

This week’s Hot Topics include excitement for the Black Panther movie (and a discussion on the costumes), a Trump tweet is seemingly aimed at the #metoo movement, the investigation into the Equifax security breech goes cold, the Dallas GOP sue to purge Democrat rivals from the ballet, male/female arousal response to erotic images and violent images, a supposed BIE is arrested, and all sorts of crazy shit is going on with the Baltimore PD.

This week’s featured song is “I Came Here To Bitch” by L7.



On this week’s episode, Cindy, Jon, Otieno, and Megan discuss the #MeToo movement, Aziz Ansari,Trump’s “shithole” comment, and golden toilets.

This week’s featured song is “How Simple” by Hop Along.

Teenage Negasonic Nuclear Warhead


Happy New Year!

On this week’s show, Jon, Megan, and Otieno talk about health supplements, killing your own dinner, and share some marijuana stories.

This week’s hot topics include the Logan Paul/Japan fiasco, the CDC planning for a possible nuclear strike, and the book, “Trumpocalypse,” which asks “whether God raised up President Trump as a fearless leader to guide America and the free world through a series of major crises as the biblical end-time narrative unfolds…”


This week’s featured song is “Sideways” by Lauren Ruth Ward


We Forgot To Talk About S-Town

On this week’s episode Megan really wanted to talk about S-Town. Naturally, we forgot to talk about S-Town. Instead, Megan, Jon, Regina, and Otieno talked about Al Franken’s resignation, Time Magazine’s person of the year, and yet another police officer acquitted for the murder of a citizen they are sworn to protect.

This week’s featured song is “Got That” by Gigi Rowe

Here Comes Your Man

On this week’s episode, Otieno is late, Megan is Yiddish, and Jon is a gold digger. Hot topics include…well…let’s be honest; the news has been real rough…so we talk about it for a bit and then talk about dicks.

This week’s featured song is “Ten Tables” by Goon


Zero Tolerance

On this week’s show, Regina, Megan, Jon, and Otieno share advice on how to discuss politics with family, and Jon reads some listener advice on the same subject. Later the quartet discuss whether or not Al Franken should resign following sexual harassment allegations, the Republican tax plan, Net Neutrality/FCC/Sinclair media, and Otieno watched Fox News so you won’t have to.

This week’s featured song is “Hawaiian Sucker Punch” by  Cab Ride Home

When Are The Dicks Coming?

Everyone is sick on this week’s episode of Secretly Timid (well…Megan is just allergic to cats.)

On this week’s episode, Jon, Otieno, and Megan discuss how nothing ever changes, gun control, the Republican’s tax proposal, Kim Kardashian’s Halloween costume, and the Republican’s reaction to the allegations of pedophilia against Senate hopeful Roy Moore. Later, Otieno discusses a story spread in some conservative circles which alleged Antifa was planning an all-out civil war this past November 4th. He also asks how our listeners to share how they would engage in conversation with someone who shares vastly different views. Please comment on our twitter, facebook, or instagram, or send us an email to letters@secretlytimid.com.

This week’s featured track is “Police State” by Pussy Riot

Social D

On this week’s episode, Jon, Cindy, Regina, and Megan are joined by Jamie Matlock, founder of the nonprofit Austen’s Autistic Adventures. Jamie shares the nonprofit’s origin and answers the cast’s questions. Go check out the silent auction November 7th at Blue Mesa in Dallas!

Later, the cast further discuss the Weinstein fallout and answer the question, “What would you do if one of your friends were accused of sexual harassment or assault?”

This week’s Hot Topics include:

  • An undocumented teen immigrant has the abortion she sought for weeks
  • Should twitter ban President Trump?

Photo Credit: Eric Van Den Brulle

This week’s featured song is “FCK The KGB” by the U.S. Americans