Don’t Hand Me No Lines And Keep Your Hands To Yourself


On this episode of Secretly Timid, Megan suffers some grooming mishaps while Jon rehashes the circumcision debate.

This week’s hot topics include:

This week’s featured song is “Classics (Die Young)” by Roadkill Ghost Choir

Shame Bags

On this week’s episode Megan, Regina, Jon, Cindy, and Otieno discuss the ethical implications of implanting microchips in your children which swells into a discussion on the value of circumcision. Hot topics include the attempted terrorist attack in Asheville, North Carolina. Was race a determining factor on why it wasn’t widely reported? Then the cast discuss sexual harassment and the Harvey Weinstein fallout.

This week’s featured track is “Bad Boys” by Secretly Timid favorite, Cardiknox. 


Killer Clown

On this week’s episode, Jon, Megan, and Otieno talk about glory holes and femme bands.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

This week’s featured song is “Broken Arrow” by Tori Amos

The Far Right Is Taking The Knee

Hey peeps-

So the audio took a noticeable plunge this episode and will be corrected for the next. Let’s just say this is our “Indie/Lo-Fi” show.

On this week’s show, Regina, Otieno, Ryan, and Jon talk about Will and Grace, the expiration of the CHIP program, Puerto Rico, and the NFL.

This week’s featured song is “Dispatch from Mar-A-Lago” by L7 

Once in a Lifetime

On this week’s show, Jon and Cindy get philosophical and ask if having more money allows one to have a happier life. Cindy and Jon discussed why the Babadook is now a gay icon, and the fears and woes of becoming middle aged. Later, Cindy shares another “difficult altercation” she experienced at work.

There was a deluge of Hot Topics to discuss this week.

Cindy and Jon discussed whether Schumer’s “Hot Mic” moment was genuine and discussed the odds on whether Trump’s wall would be built and if the Schumer/Pelosi/Trump deal to save the DACA recipients would go through. Jon mentioned a writer from website Sports Betting Dime who laid out the odds~

“Writer Don Aguero at Sports Betting Dime has been putting out political odds since before the election, so he’s no stranger to weighing in on what gets passed in the White House. He put 30/1 odds on a wall between the US and Mexico getting built. Here’s what he had to say about DACA:

“The announcement of a DACA deal between the White House and congressional Democrats was a surprise, but as time goes on the White House has walked back claims that an agreement was made.

This, combined with Democrats’ lack of necessary votes in either the house or the senate to make such a deal, and unpopularity of DACA within the GOP base, makes a deal that would make DACA permanent very unlikely.The odds, 3/1 (25%) DACA is made permanent via deal with congressional democrats.”

Cindy and Jon also discussed the difference between DACA and the Dream Act/Dreamers. Even they got a little confused. Check out this article from Tucson based lawyer Ryan Gibson which goes into great detail to explain both.

Other hot topics included:
This week’s featured song is “Machine” by Tender

A Nugget of Truth

On this week’s show, Cindy has a difficult altercation, Jon has dreams of twitch, and Regina had a girls weekend.

Hot topics include:

PLUS! We answer some listener questions and recommend the following podcasts:

This week’s featured song is “Down On My Knees” by Kitty, Daisy, and Lewis.

There’s Going To Be A Potato In That Salad

On this week’s show, Jon, Regina, and Megan discuss hurricane Harvey and its aftermath, as well as Megan’s journey through flooded waters.

Hot topics include:

Photo credit: David Uzochukwu

This week’s featured song is “Deathless” by Ibeyi 

Holy Sheet Cake

On this week’s episode, Otieno, Jon, Regina, and Ryan continue last week’s discussion. Jon shares a listener e-mail, Ryan discusses Tina Fey’s recent skit, and Otieno opens a discussion on the ratio of monuments celebrating figures from the confederacy verses monuments celebrating emancipation, and whether tearing down monuments which celebrate the confederacy erases history.


This week’s featured song is “International News” by National Wake

Charlottesville’s Web

On this week’s episode, Ryan, Regina, Otieno and Jon discuss the aftermath of the violent protest which took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. Topics include whether or not attendees should be outed as Nazis, how Steve Bannon weaponized online trolls, a comparison to how the media portrays the Black Lives Matter movement and members of the Alt-Right, and what we can do to confront the growing number of hate groups.



Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times

This week’s featured track is “Quarrel” by Moses Sumney