Pro-Life is a Lie


On this week’s episode, Nan, Faith and Jon are joined by special guest and West Fund co-founder Adriano. Topics include last week’s Republican National Convention, Harassment on Twitter, Commonplace Racism, Abortion Access in Texas, Ted Cruz, Texan Individualism, and Dog Whistle Politics.

C Blanton

Photo by Bobby Bonsey

This week’s featured song is Vim & Vigor by Carsie Blanton. Her new album, So Ferocious, will be released August 2, 2016!

Real Talk

real talk

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon, Nan, Faith, and Brian talk more about politics, hoagie vaginas, and we learn more about new co-host, Faith.


This week’s featured song is First Date by Tuskha 

Post Apocalypse

post apocalypseOn this week’s episode, Nan, Brian, and Jon welcome the newest member of the Secretly Timid team, Faith Malimba. Topics include reactions to last week’s assault following a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest which resulted in the death of five police officers, the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police, racial bias, and fallout from the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation.


photo by Jared Chambers

This week’s featured song is Wild Child by Cardiknox 



Hurricane Adjacent

hurricane a

Happy Independence Day! On this week’s episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian learn more about special guest Faith. Topics include music, art, Brexit, Zodiac signs, and relationships.


This week’s featured song is If Things Go On Like This  by Fews 


Pride48 Live 2016


Did you miss our live broadcast?? Well, here it is. Eamon, Nan, and Brian discuss the mass shooting in Orlando, Eamon’s new car, Nan’s visit to the Donald Trump protest, and the nation’s new rush for gun control.

Kikagaku Moyo

This week’s featured song is Kogarashi by Kikagaku Moyo



Girlfriend in the Refrigerator


On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Nan, Brian, and Eamon are joined by special guest Heather Alayne Morgan. The quartet discuss all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Topics include- feminism, fandom, and the shows impact on current television. Also, there are some minor spoilers for shows like Jessica Jones and the 100.

amberThis week’s featured song is Fading Lines by Amber Arcades 

Pretty People Party

Pretty People Party

On this week’s Secretly Timid, Eamon, Nan, and Brian discuss Zoobilee Zoo, The Real World, and The Cure. Hot Topics include: Trump didn’t donate as much money to Veterans as he once claimed, the governor of Oklahoma vetoed a controversial anti-abortion bill, an E-Cigarette explodes in a vaper’s mouth, and the sad case of Purvi Patel.

doomsquadThis week’s featured song is Who Owns Noon in Sandusky? by Doomsquad


Hilly Got A Gun

hillygotagunOn this week’s episode, Nan, Brian, and Eamon sit down and chat with Dallas artist Hilly Holsonback. The discussion included her latest show, “Acoustic Nerves” being shut down by the city, politics, the Dallas Art Scene, and that time she walked through the city in a diaper.



This week’s featured song is “Big Head” By Spookyland



On this week’s episode, Nan, Eamon, and Brian talk about Trump winning the Republican nomination, Sinead O’Connor’s legal troubles, Lemonade, The West Wing v Bernie Bros, and choking fetishes.



This week’s featured song is Signal Drift by Aloha
