Safe Space

safe space

Special guest Dustin chit chats about camping, state capitols, and BUZZER. Grocery stores, costumes, and camp nudity is also discussed.

the hermsThis week’s featured song is “Parades” by The Herms




On this week’s episode, Nan, Eamon, Brian, and special guest Dustin discuss the New York primary election results, the passing of Prince and Chyna, and the classic show “Good Times.”

nervouscurtainsThis week’s featured song is The Visitors by Nervous Curtains


Come and Dine


On this week’s episode, Jon and Nan ask questions…and Brian answers. It’s a stripped down episode, y’all.


This week’s featured song is Part of Me by Emmy the Great 






On this week’s episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian share their frustration with the “Bernie or Bust” movement. Later, they discuss whether Justin Beiber’s dreadlocks is an example of cultural appropriation, and Bruce Springsteen dropping North Carolina from his tour schedule in reaction to their anti-trans bill.


This week’s featured song is Personal by Matthew Logan Vasquez



Raver TV

DSC01164This week, Nan, Jermy, and special guest Shelby talk about raves, art, children, children and art, and TV.

This week’s featured song is Southpole by Bootblacks

Matriarichal Gynocentrist


On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Nan, Brian, and Jon are joined by Dr. Matt Brown. Topics include creativity and philosophy, Nan and Matt’s hatred for “I Fucking Love Science,” astrology, gender politics in academia, and how to properly eat an apple.

Kiran Leonard

This week’s featured song is Secret Police by Kiran Leonard

larry david

The Kind of Guns Toddlers Are Using to Shoot People


Happy Monday! On this week’s episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian are joined by Dr. Matt Brown (fun fact, Secretly Timid was born as a final project in one of Dr. Brown’s classes). The foursome discuss the current election cycle, Hillary Clinton’s last gaffe, violence at a Trump rally, Kim Kardashian’s latest photo and whether or not one can exploit his or her self, and the latest chapter for the hottest convicted felon in the world.

Meilyr-JonesThis week’s featured song is How to Recognise a Work of Art by Meilyr Jones


Betrayed by Love


I don’t know where the title comes from. Brian named it.

On this week’s show, Nan, Jon, and Brian interview local journalist, writer, and musician Christopher Mosley. Mosley is known and beloved by many in the Dallas music scene. Topics include (obviously) music, journalism, the justice system, and double penetration.


This week’s featured song is A Well Adjusted Man by Coastgaard



The One Where We Become Shills for Hillary Clinton


On this episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian shill for Hillary Clinton.

Other topics include alcoholism, arguments, and Kesha.

emotionalThis week’s featured song is Hand 4 Hire by Emotional 



Men Need to Hear Themselves Talk


On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, the cast sits down and chats with noise artist/poet/activist/artist Lauren Belmore. Discussions include polyamory, satire, Denton v Austin v Dallas v Houston, and censorship. Lauren closes the show with sharing one of their poems.


This week’s featured song is Giving Her More by Chapell from the Album, The Redhead’s Allegations which will be released March 4th!

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