Interrogate Yourself

Interrogate Yourself

On this week’s Secretly Timid, Jon and Nan continue last week’s discussion on if it is racist or preference to proclaim you are not if you claim to not date a particular ethnic group. Then, the due discuss Justin Beiber’s bulge, the terrorist attack in Paris, President Obama wants to send you to college, a Ferguson grand jury member sues the special prosecutor, TLC presents, “My Husband’s Not Gay, and PJ Harvey tries something new.

Sunbeam Sound Machine


This week’s featured song is “Real Life”, by Sunbeam Sound Machine 



“You’re cute, but…”

youre cute butWelcome to the first show of the New Year!! On this week’s show, Danielle and Jon are joined by Jill. The trio recap their holidays and talk about “The Real World.”

This week’s Hot Topics include


141203-canopiesThis week’s featured song is Choose Yer Own Adventure by Canopies



An Act of War

An act of warGuess who is back??? Danielle!! And she has stories to tell!!!

This week’s hot topics include:

BonhamThis week’s featured song is, You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch performed by Tracy Bonham.



Dick’s Cheney

dick's cheney

Fan favorite Ryan Obermeyer joins Jon, Nan, and Brian Harmless on this week’s show.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

Little BeardsThis week’s featured track is ‘Former Model’ by Little Beards


Make Good Choices

Make Good CoicesSaddle up for a special episode of Secretly Timid. The original OG’s Jill Foltz and Diane Durant are in house filling in for Brian and Nan!! Hot Topics include the recent events in New York and Ferguson, as well as a little Walking Dead and Palette Cleansing.

Keram-keram-malicki-sanchez-4975287-600-400This week’s featured song is Infidel  by Keram 



Turtle Tunnel

Mitch McConnell :: Republican Clown Sweater

On this week’s episode, Sarah, from Eat My Cake, fills in for a sick Nan. Whiskey.

This week’s Hot topics include:

The Blind shake

This week’s featured song is Go Lie by The Blind Shake



Yogurt on my Nana

NANAOn this week’s episode, Jon and Brian hang out with their friend Jack while Nan feels bummed from missing the earthquake.  Later, Nan reflects on her former life as a Republican. Topics include fracking, the importance of wills, tattoos, and the trouble with episodic television.

CoolGhouls_0This week’s featured track is The Mile by Cool Ghouls


The Real Drill

Real DrillOn this week’s installment of Secretly Timd, we play a voice mail from Christian from Pleased to Meet You and talk about all the regular stuff we talk about (rape, incest, feminism, MRA duders, etc.)

The week’s Hot Topics include:

Wild Smiles

This week’s featured song is Never Wanted This by Wild Smiles


Life is Worth Living After All


Nan, Jon, and Brian are back! The trio wear some super fun shades!! By the way- you can follow us on instagram!

This week, Nan shares her experience with the story-telling group, Oral Fixations, and Jon shares his fight with sexism at the poker tables. This week’s hot topics include Deion Sanders talking about Michael Sam, Rose McGowan’s criticism of the misogyny within the gay community, the Mayor of Minneapolis flashing “gang signs,” and how one man fought suicidal tendencies on a trip to Mexico.

king gThis week’s featured song is Satan Speeds Up by King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
