Hulk’s Crotch


IMG_1650Happy Halloween!!!

This week Brian, Nan, and Jon are joined by Hulk Smogen. The foursome discuss America’s Next Top Model, Project Runway,and the Walking Dead. SPOILERS!!

They also discuss this week’s school shooting, a hate crime being thwarted at DFW airport, and Annie Lennox white-washing “Strange Fruit.”

april-march-02This week’s featured song is Chick Habit by April March





On this week’s episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian are once again joined by special guest Ryan Obermeyer! There is some quick Fair talk, and a 5 min review of Project Runway and The Walking Dead.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

acid baby jesus

Acid Baby Jesus in Greece

This week’s featured song is Row By Row by Acid Baby Jesus


Interrogate Your Porn Choices

Interrogate your pornWe are back-and we brought a special guest!

On this week’s episode, Brian is late and tipsy, Jon nominates Greg Abbot for all the filibusters, Nan wants you to stop using “female” as a noun, and special guest Ryan Obermeyer is not afraid of a little Ebola. We also have a Danielle update and talk about the Project Runway contest!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

ImaniThis week’s featured song is 30th Birthday (feat. J. Martin Coppola & Pete Miser) by Imani Coppola

Snaps in the Back

Hello-SailorOn this week’s show, Jon is emotional after losing Delylah. Brian refuses to shave his legs. Nan talks about her time leading an AA group.

This week’s hot topics include:

150341_163958956972805_2266824_nThis week’s featured song is Beggars (feat. Emily Wells) by Button:Pusher.


Live from Las Vegas at Pride 48 2014!

STLIVEDid you miss our live show from Las Vegas??? Well, have no fear…here it is!!! Relive all the glorious moments! Thanks again, Christopher Bragg and Brian Gregory for hanging out with us!


Project Runway Episodes 7 and 8

Project Runway LogoJon and Nan discuss episode 7 and 8 of Project Runway. ALSO!!! The Project Runway dollar store Barbie club challenge has been extended!! Get thee to the dollar store and make a clubby outfit for your dollar store Barbie- then send some pictures to!!! IN 2 weeks all the photos will be posted and a winner will be chosen!!! MAKE IT WORK!!!

Oh, Conneticut

Oh, ConneticutJust one more week until Vegas!!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

Oh!! And don’t forget to Support Nan’s TEA Fund bowling team!!

slothrustThis week’s featured song is Crockpot by Slothrust


Emmanuelle in Space


Nan is gone. Danielle is gone. OH MY GOD!!! That’s ok. They’ll be back. This week Jon, Brian, and Sarah talk about rape culture and gun control…you know, the usual.

This week’s Hot Topics include:


This week’s features song is Atmo by Babes
