A Traditional, Baptist, Hardworking, Lady


On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Nan and Brian are stoked for the new season of Mad Men, while Jon is foaming at the mouth for the new season of Orphan Black.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

SnowbirdThis week’s featured song is All Wishes Are Ghosts by Snowbird


We Have No Context


We Have No Context


Lot’s of fun stuff happened this episode…we got a voice mail from Christopher Bragg, Jon continues to harass the “Lame Night Guys,” and Brian is the best roommate ever.

This week’s Hot topics include:



This week’s featured song is You Can’t Stand to Be Alone by Doug Keith.


No one Likes a Bossy Bottom


bossy bottom


It’s Secretly Timid Sunday! Danielle is back!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

Amy RayThese week’s featured song is Oyster and Pearl by Amy Ray


Research and Development



Yo. Guess who is back in the Cat Studio? It’s Jill! Jon finally returns her headphones after 4 years!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

the-new-royales-sqThis week’s featured track is a cover of the White Stripes’s “Fell in Love with a Girl” by The New Royales



GUATEMALA-AGATHA-DAMAGEWe are back! Nan is afraid of sinkholes.

This week’s hot topics include:

DuckyThis week’s featured song is Two over Ten by Ducky






This week it’s just me! I rambled about all sorts of stuff like commercial, oil pulling, and Law and Order : SVU.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

CardiknoxThis week’s featured song is Wasted Youth by Cardinknox




1753545-asteriskGirl Code!

Jon and Nan are joined by special guests Diane Durant and DZ. They talk about stuff and things.

This week’s super fun Hot Topics include:

4148This week’s featured song is “Nightmares” by The Echo Friendly
