I Prefer Animals to People


grumpy cat

What’s up, studs y studettes?

This week’s Hot Topics include:

macedoThis week’s featured song is “Your Skin” by Macedo



Jon, 1. Everyone else, 0.



Brr. It’s cold outside. But it’s warm inside. 🙂

This week’s Hot Topics include:

cardiknoxThis week’s featured song is a WET remix of Technicolor Dreaming by Cardinknox


According to the Documents

according toWelcome one and all! On this week’s episode Nan, Brian, and Jon rap about some stuff and RC Martinez leaves a fun voice mail. He is from Wisconsin.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

Bad SunsThis week’s featured song is Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns


Bronies and Sisteronies



What’s up, y’all? Dani is rehearsin, so it’s just Jon, Nan, and Brian holding court. Dani will be back next week!

This week’s hot topics include :

james-vincent-mcmorrowlargeThis week’s featured song is Gold by James Vincent McMorrow. qhl9gL0

Nan Vs. Myth

nanvsmythIt’s warm again!

On this week’s show, Nan, Jon, and Brian talk about Greek mythology (was it based on real events?) and Chris Christie’s Bridgegate.

Mutiny MutinyThis week’s featured song is Stranded at the Drive-In by Mutiny Mutiny. kNL9WkF

The One Thing Men Can Do That Women Can’t

the one thing

Happy New Year!!! On this week’s show we talk about selfies, Sexy Nev from Catfish, and share a recent e-mail.

This week’s hot topics include :

nightmare and the cat

This week’s featured song is “Be Your Own God” by Nightmare and the Cat




Episode 188 : Business Pants

188We’re baa aaack!

On this week’s episode, Jon, Dani, Nan, and Brian catch up.

This week’s hot topics include:

erinmckeownpressThis week’s featured song is Itsa Very Queer Christmas by Erin McKeown.


Episode 187: B and D Z

187It’s late Secretly Timid Sunday!!! On this week’s episode, DZ,  Nan, and Jon are in studio, and a certain Game Night Guy fills in for Harmless.

This week’s hot topics include:

Drew-Prices-Bermuda-TriangleThis week’s featured song is Ssp. by Drew Price’s Bermuda Triangle. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0GT3KYtcrs[/youtube]187