Episode 165 : Pride 48 Live 2013

165Did you miss the live show? We got you!

On this very special live episode, Jon, Nan, and Danielle chatted it up with the chat room.

Hot Topics include :

Thank’s so much to Pride 48 for allowing us to participate. We can’t wait to meet you in Las Vegas!!!



Episode 164 : Mustache Panties

164Erstwhile chicken wings. What up? On this week’s Secretly Timid, Nan is AWOL, Dani is MIA, and Jon and Harmless are all alone. Harmless talks about his MRI experience and Jon investigates whether twitter user Cynthia is a real human being or a robot.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

966406_498804166859464_577803766_oThis week’s featured song is “Oh Come On” by The Julie Ruin



Episode 163 : Indian Giver

163What up, y’all? The keyword on this week’s episode of Secretly Timid is “quarrel.” Nan won the contest!!! Jon has 12 cavities.

This week’s hot topics include :

Check out these fun pics sent to us from our twitter friend, Astanastan 2 aston1japanther

This week’s featured song is Stolen Flowers by Japanther 




Episode 162 : Ghetto Thangs

162It’s episode 162!! On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon talks about his drunken twittering, Nan discloses how she wants her teeth to be penetrated by drills, and Danielle talks about Dead White Zombies latest performance, T.N.B. (Show opens next Saturday, Dallasites should check it out!!)

This week’s hot topics include :

UG LoversThis week’s featured song is Au Pair by Underground Lovers.



Episode 161 : Do Me, Homie

161Whatup? On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon talk about a fight regarding Tim Tebow and plays a voicemail from listener RC from Madison, WI!!

This Week’s Hot Topics include :

emmaThis week’s featured song is Jungle by Emma Louise.



Episode 160 : A Little Black, a Little Yellow

160Yo! It’s episode 160!!

On this week’s episode, Nan, Jon, and Brian talk about Mad Men. Nan finally watches the first episode of Walking Dead, and Nan and Jon reminisce about junior high school.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

406254_10150454935327896_1031702181_nThis week’s featured song is Born to Run Free by Turf War



Episode 159 : This is the Episode the Reviewer Guy should Review

159Good evening, ladies and germs!! On this week’s installment of Secretly Timid, Dani is back~ but Brian Harmless is out of town.

Nan, Jon, and Danielle play a voice mail from our pal the Satyr, chat about the recent events in Ohio, and break into some hot topics.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

bill-ryder-jonesThis week’s featured song is There’s A World Between Us by Bill Ryder-Jones


Have a great week!! See you next Sunday!



Episode 158 : Dangling Sac

158Happy Cinco De Mayo!!!

On this week’s episode, Danielle broke her back, Brian is 41, and Jon hates slutty concert girls.

This week’s hot topics include :


LaurelsThis week’s featured song is Manic Saturday by The Laurels.


Episode 157 : Frank Sinatra is Dead. HA. HA.

157Hello friends. On this week’s episode, David Z fills in while Danielle is at rehearsal.

Hot Topics include

BRMCThis week’s featured song is Let The Day Begin by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
