Episode 156 : Miranda Rights

156Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the latest installment of Secretly Timid! On this week’s show, Danielle is back!!!

Hot Topics include :

TheTigerBoxThis  week’s featured song is “knives” by The Box Tiger. CHECK THEM OUT!


7 rc

This week’s podcast pimpout is 7th Row Center!!! Get it, baby!tumblr_mh42g6m12x1qi9zvjo1_400


Episode 155 : betty dRAPEr

155Jon has a canker sore under his tongue and it really, really hurts. Nan decided to make fun of him. This hurt Jon’s feelings.

This week’s hot topics include :

cardiknoxThis week’s featured song is Hold Me Down by Cardiknox

No featured podcast this week…what podcast would you like us to feature? WE NEED SUGGESTIONS!!! Leave us a post on facebook or twitter, or email us at letters@secretlytimid.com




Episode 154 : Wu Tang Soup

154Welcome to episode 154! On this week’s episode, Jon says some racist stuff, Brian says some sexist stuff, and Nan says the “P” word.

This week’s hot topics include :

Beth HartThis week’s featured song is Bang Bang Boom Boom by Beth Hart. If you are local- hang out with Jon May 2nd and see Beth Hart live!


IAThis week’s podcast pimpout is Inappropriate Conversations. Check it out and let Greg fill your brain with all sorts of knowledge!



Episode 153 : Tropes Vs. Beaver Fever

153Did you catch the Season Finale of the Walking Dead? Jon is in mourning.

On this week’s show- Jon’s co-worker Jimmy fills in for Danielle who is in New York City. The cast answers some e-mails and takes to facebook to talk about what some of our listener’s wanna talk about. Oh, Jon and Harmless drink some wine. This leads to Jon nearly blowing everyone’s eardrums out. Whoops.

This week’s hot topics include :


And here are the feminist frequency videos  commented on (and the reaction video reacted on.)



le sexoflex

This week’s featured song is “Procrastibate” by Le Sexoflex. Go and grab their album. Pay what you can!!!



Episode 152 : Little Boxes

Tilda Swinton in a glass box, MoMA, New York CityDON’T PUT DANIELLE IN A BOX!!!!

This week the crew talk about some stuff, answer a fan email, and play a speakpipe from Greg.

This week’s hot topics include :

frauenThis week’s featured song is “Balaclava” by Frauen.

Check ya next week!


Episode 151 : People Be Trippin’



151Happy Secretly Timid Sunday, Y’all! (Or Monday) (Or whenever you choose to read this or hear us).

On this week’s show Harmless is still out of town, Danielle has an allergic reaction to something, Nan decides not to wear deodorant, and Jon feels the need to defend Walking Dead’s Andrea.

This week’s Hot Topics come courtesy of Greg, Alexi, Joe, and Mindy! Yay for them!! The topics discussed include :

skyThis week’s featured song is Featherlight by Skye




This week’s podcast pick of the week is I Can’t Believe I’m a Loser. Check em out!


Episode 150 : Severed Heads

SONY DSCIt’s Sunday!

On this week’s installment, Danielle is BACK!!! She shares her experience in California and Nan tells us all about her planned parenthood trip last week. The trio listen to a voice mail and respond to an email and talk a little Walking Dead and a little Project Runway.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

rosco bandana

This week’s featured song is Feels Like Alabama by Rosco Bandana

madOur podcast pick of the week is Mutant-A-Day!!! You like the X-Men? This is a podcast for you!



Episode 149 : Fake French


This week we read some e-mails and played a speak pipe by our favorite Antony from a slew of podcasts (which sparks a debate.) We talk some Walking Dead and Nan shares some Nan-stories.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

Total-WarrThis week’s featured song is Bambastard (feat. The Death Set) by Total Warr.

satyrThis week’s podcast pick of the week (finally) is the Satyrsphere! Hop on the Satyr Plane!

Episode 148 : X-Womyn


Greetings, true believers!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

PLUS! The Walking Dead! Penis Flutes! Should Nan create a new Secretly Timid intro? AND…..Brian and Nan Round 1!

useless eatersThis week’s featured song is Black Night Ultraviolet by Useless Eaters.

Fozzie and TinaThis week’s Podcast Pick of the Week is FOZZIE AND TINA!!! We love these guys!! Last week Tina made a guest appearance in one of Jon’s dream AND Jon guested on an episode of Fozzie and Tina. They talked TV. Check this show out!



Episode 147 : Florida Man

147She’s a man, man!

On this week’s Secretly Timid, Brian Gregory from the Game Night Guy’s fills in for Danielle and Nan.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

timthumbThis week’s featured song is Lion Run by Midnight Spin.

Lalasmoke1This week’s podcast pick is “All My Nonsense.” Check it out!!!
