Episode 146 : Best of the Manifesto

146It’s the night of the show, y’all

This week’s hot topics include :


sophia bThis week’s featured song is Breaking by Sophia Bastian.


This week’s podcast pick is Linoleum Knife! Check em out!



Episode 145 : BigBlackSexBombHole

145Istanbul not Constantinople!

This week’s hot topics include :

TMBGThis week’s featured song is “Call You Mom” by They Might Be Giants.

SuccessFreaksThis week’s podcast pick is Success Freaks.


Episode 144 : Conflict Resolution

144On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Brian Harmless is off galavanting around San Fran while Jon and Danielle ask Nan for advice.

This week’s hot topics include :

night marchersThis week’s featured song is All Hits by The Night Marchers [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8hSD60ZMh4[/youtube]gfnThis week’s podcast pick is Greetings from Nowhere. Click the link and listen to Christina and Nicole talk about politics, pop culture, and anything and everything that crosses their minds!


Episode 143 : What Some Would Call Lies

143I’d rather be fishing.

On this week’s episode, Jon and Brian fight, Jon snaps at Nan, Danielle witnesses a bicylist hit by a SUV, and Nan reviews the female condom. You know, the usual.

This week’s Hot Topics :

image_lower_resThis week’s featured song is, “Losing the Holiday” by Ambrosia Parsley. It is off her new E.P., I Miss You. I Do. You can download the E.P. for free by visiting Paste. Ambrosia used to front the awesome band, Shivaree. Check out the awesome music video for their song, “Goodnight Moon” below. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1V89-fI4po[/youtube]

This week we proudly recomend you check out the podcast, What Some Would Call Lies. It’s hosted by Mr. Mike Lawson. He’s charming. He’s witty. He’s handsome. And, he may be a liar.


Episode 142 : Disgruntled White People


This week’s hot topics include :

midnight magic
This week’s featured song is Walking the Midnight Streets by Midnight Magic


This week’s podcast pick is The Game Night Guys. It’s no secret that Secretly Timid and the Game Night Guys have been flirting with one another from across state lines. Brian and Curtis are most excellent hosts and you would do well to listen in on their shenanigans. It’s your move! Let’s kick this pig!

Aaron Swartz, Take Two

In Episode 142, “Disgruntled White People,” we discuss the death of Aaron Swartz. And, for my part, I did it poorly. This isn’t completely my fault. Most all of the eulogies being published focus a disproportionate amount of time discussing the federal case against him, which many (including his family) are blaming for his death. And the federal case is what we ended up focusing on in our discussion.

It was a good debate, but missed the point, which is that a by-all-counts brilliant and troubled young man killed himself. And that is too bad. I don’t mean this to be judge-y, but it is hard to see it as anything other than a tragedy. It is tragic that he could not find the relief he needed to make his way out of his nightmare.

Anyway, I wanted to post a link to a much more fitting eulogy, from his friend, Cory Doctorow. “Aaron had an unbeatable combination of political insight, technical skill, and intelligence about people and issues. I think he could have revolutionized American (and worldwide) politics. His legacy may still yet do so.” And this:

I don’t know for sure whether Aaron understood that any of us, any of his friends, would have taken a call from him at any hour of the day or night. I don’t know if he understood that wherever he was, there were people who cared about him, who admired him, who would get on a plane or a bus or on a video-call and talk to him.

Read the full thing here.

Episode 141 : Winks and Smileys


Good day, sir and madam. So we didn’t win the Podcast Award…but we won your heart! On this week’s show, Danielle is sick, Nan thinks anorexics are hard to work with, and Brian is full of analogies.

This week’s hot topics include :



This week’s featured song is Ghosting by Lucius


Episode 140 : The Year in Review, 2012


It’s that time again!!! Happy New Years, dear friends!! In celebration this episode the cast (joined by special guest Dianna) discuss their favorite Film, Television show, Album, Book, and News story from 2012 – (except for the Book, the book can be from any era). Drum Roll PLEASE :






News Event

  • Nan – Mitt Romney’s “47 percent” comment
  • Danielle – Whitney Houston’s death
  • Dianna – General Petraeus’s active sex life
  • Brian – Netflix bringing back Arrested Development
  • Jon – President Obama winning reelection

We here at Secretly Timid had an amazing 2012! Raise your glass to 2013!! Thank you all for listening and a special thanks to those of you who take the time to interact with us. You know who you are!




Episode 139 : Merry Christmas, Thunderdome

139Merry Christmas!

On today’s show Jon and Brian are hungover and Danielle wears a super fun sweater.

Hot Topics include :

 139Santa Is An A**hole by Erin McKeown.