Episode 129 : The Tragedy Show

***Friends!! The audio for this episode is all sorts of jacked. We offer our most humble of apologies. We will fix it by next episode.****

What’s up y’all? On a very special tragic episode of Secretly Timid Paul makes an announcement. We had some hot topics, but who cares. This one is about Paul…and Jon’s stupid stories.


This week’s featured song is “Don’t Go Alone” by Cruiser. You can grab the track off their bandcamp page!


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Episode 128 : Jalapeño Seed

Oh, mimosas. How we love thee.

On this week’s episode Brian Harmless joins Jon, Nan, and Danielle on a raucous show full of blunders and impalings.

Hot topics include : A girl is in hot water after auctioning off her virginity, Todd Akin is at it again,  a woman shoots her husband after he threatens her cat, and a man is arrested after he shoves a sandwich in his wife’s face.

This week’s featured song is Velvet Elvis by Alex Winston. Check out her album, King Con.


P.S. -It’s that time again!!! The Podcast awards!!! If you could…please nominate Secretly Timid under the General Category. Click here to be redirected. We love you.


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  • VoiceMail : (469) 27-TIMID
  • Email : Letters@SecretlyTimid.com
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Episode 128 : Jalapeño Seed BTS


Music : Alex Winston ~ Velvet Elvis

On this behind the scenes look at the Secretly Timid Podcast, Jon talks about the podcast awards (if you haven’t already, you can nominate us for the “Best General” catagory on www.podcastawards.com), Brian has a confession to make, and the crew answer some questions and pitch out some advice. Do you have a question or need advice? Send em our way! letters@secretlytimid.com.

Epside 128: Jalapeño Seed airs this Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Episode 127 : Raunchy Baby-Making

On today’s show Paul is out of town and Danielle is busy with Dallas Vidfest, so the amazing Brian Harmless sits in with Nan and Jon.

This week’s hot topics include : A poop transplant saves a woman’s life, a town rallies behind a bullied teen,  cheerleaders fight for the right to draw biblical quotes on that stupid sheet of paper football players run through, and actor Johnny Lewis apparently killed his landlord and the landlord’s cat before killing himself.

This week’s featured song is Sourpuss  by Moris Tepper. It is from the album Head Off.

P.S. -It’s that time again!!! The Podcast awards!!! If you could…please nominate Secretly Timid under the General Category. Click here to be redirected. We love you.


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  • VoiceMail : (469) 27-TIMID
  • Email : Letters@SecretlyTimid.com
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Episode 127 : Raunchy Baby-Making BTS



Did you catch that, friends? Each week we will answer you questions. SO submit your question to our facebook page…or our Tumblr or our twitter…or anywhere. We will get it and we will answer it on next week’s video!

Episode 126 : Twin Peaks

Howdy, y’all. On today’s episode, the crew discuss some stuff and Delylah looks cute.

Hot topics include: A woman finds out her husband was her father, an Iranian woman attacks a cleric after he criticizes her fashion sense,  makelovenotporn tackles sex education for the modern American, and a New Hampshire Sheriff Candidate vows to use deadly force to stop abortions.

This week’s featured song is The Burden of Being Liked by Texas’ own, Jack with One Eye. Hop on over to their bandcamp page and check out some other tracks!

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  • VoiceMail : (469) 27-TIMID
  • Email : Letters@SecretlyTimid.com
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Episode 125 : Pride 48 Live!

The following episode of Secretly Timid was broadcast live on Sunday, September 16, 2012 as part of the Pride 48 marathon of podcasts. It was hella fun.

Hot topics included : Amanda Bynes can’t drive, a high school holds a spirit day drenched in rape culture, Rick Santorum calls the Republican Base stupid, and a naked man gnaws on a woman’s head.

A special thanks to all those involved in Pride 48. Thank you so much for allowing us to share the stage with all of you awesome ‘casters. It was an amazing event and we hope to participate again next year. A special, special thanks to all the chatters in the chat room. It was so great to be able to interact with you all in real time. 🙂

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  • VoiceMail : (469) 27-TIMID
  • Email : Letters@SecretlyTimid.com
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