Justin Levinson & The Valcours, “This Side of Me, This Side of You”

Justin Levinson & The Valcours

This Side of Me, This Side of You

Official Website

Release Date : January 1st, 2012




With smart lyrics, gripping melodies, and a super tight band Justin Levinson and The Valcours album, This side of me, This side of you, is a refreshing addition to any music collection. Levinson, a handsome native Vermonter with a mop-full of hair and a book of songs, is more Ben Folds than Josh Groban. And as Martha Stewart often says, “It’s a good thing.” This album hits more than it misses and is the perfect soundtrack to what will be one wet, hot, climate-change-y summer.

Songs like “Bar Scene” and “I’ll Be OK” are so lyrically tight that they could easily be in an off-Broadway musical. In “Bar Scene” Levinson sings:

Now I brought you down to my level you should all just go home

someone call me a cab, let me be on my own

I’m in the mood to start a fight

With that guy at the bar laughing at me he thinks that my pants are too tight

go on hit me with your best swing…

“I’ll Be OK” is an exhilarating Ben Folds-esque musical romper room which immediately caught my attention and has been in heavy rotation ever since.


“I Was so Wrong” is another highlight off this record. This waltzy duet between Justin and fellow Berklee alum Liz Longley is as romantic as it is somber and never dips into that saccharine pit of hell that swallows so many modern day love songs. Just thinking of that Dashboard Confessional song “You Have Stolen my Heart” makes me want to drown myself in my own vomit. So, yes this song is the opposite of that. In fact, this track embodies the “feel good heartbreak” vibe of the album. And there is a harmonica.

“Say What You’re Gonna Say” and “If You’re Happier” are also great additions to the American playbook. The tight band is on full display on “If You’re Happier.” The bass, keys, guitars and drums all just seem to fit perfectly together. “Say What You’re Gonna Say” is proof that more songs need horn sections.

Every beautiful piece of fruit has at least one bruise…and I think this bruise’s name is “Love You Goodbye.” The space-beepy drum machine and emo-y vocals feel a tad out of place on this album. It is not a terrible song by any means-but when compared to tracks like “Bar Scene” and “I Was so Wrong” it feels out of place. Just as the production is a little different so are the lyrics. Songs like “I Was so Wrong” is overflowing with very specific details; a story is being told complete with characters and a setting. You can almost see the gross-y, gap-y space between the wooden planks of the bar floor and hear the swinging of bathroom doors. “Love You Goodbye” is much more open and vague. Sure, the listener can imagine themselves in the song and we will all identify with the feelings of heartbreak and loss the song evokes, however I found it lacking the charm which oozed from other tracks.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/29659724″ iframe=”true” /]

In closing, This Side of Me, This Side of You by Justin Levinson and the Valcours is one hell of an album. Levinson has already received recognition and accolades; and deservingly so. If you like feel good piano pop that focuses on lyrical storytelling you should get this album. Oh, and Danielle wants to meet this floppy-haired heart throb on Skype. I’ll bring the glitter.


This Saturday! “Hari Kiri” Opening Reception at CentralTrak. Curated by Danielle Georgiou and featuring Jill Foltz, Tabitha Pease, and George Quartz. PLUS!! A special performance by DGDG

Come Play with us!




CentralTrak invites you to witness a series of performances curated by resident Danielle Georgiou. To Die for Performances is a collaboration between performance artists and visual artists.

Harakiri is a ceremonial disembowelment specifically performed in front of spectators. This public self-execution creates a ritual of performance in the act of death. An idea that is at the basis of all performance – every moment you step on the stage could be your last; if you do not leave your soul out there for all to witness, if you do not die with every performance, have you lived honorably?
Commencing April 21st, performances will take place each Saturday night until May 19.

Episode 103 : Danielle’s Glittery P

Oh dear. She went there.

On this week’s show Jon is hungover, Paul is huge, and Danielle has a glittery….well. Jon then retracts his support of KONY2012, supports Human Rights Watch, and puts letter writer Martin on blast. (Is that the phrase?)

Hot topics include : A Texas nudie maid service causes a stir, an intruder drinks champagne/takes a shower/is arrested, Snackman is New York’s newest superhero, a recent study finds that the more Wal-Marts per county = more possible hate groups, and you can check out how your location ranks in zombie preparedness.

This week’s featured music is “I’ll Be O.K” by Justin Levinson and the Valcours. It is off their album,This Side of Me, This Side of You . Jon’s review of the album will be posted later this week.


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Episode 102 : P.A.s and Potatoes

Greetings! We hope you all had a great Easter!

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid Danielle, Paul, and Jon are joined by writer/critic Dave White from the Linoleum Knife podcast. Dave shares some L.A. stories (especially that one in which an arsonist blew up not only his car…but also his husband’s (Hi Alonso!)) and lets rip some profanity. Diane chimes in with another Between Here and Cool segment and Paul’s ears are molested by some surround sound porno music.

Hot topics include : a new app takes creepy to a whole new level, and a vicar is hospitalized with a potato up his bottom. Wonder how it got there…

We would be horrid people if we did not give a very special thank you to Dave White for hanging out. You should also subscribe to the Linoleum Knife Podcast, check out his movie reviews at movies.com, and listen to his short stories on KCRW’s Unfictional (search for Dave White). You should also buy his book, Exile in Guyville: How a Punk Rock Redneck Faggot Texan Moved to West Hollywood and Refused to Be Shiny and Happy.

This week’s featured song is “Killing Time” by Ducky off her EP, Killing Time/your Ever After.


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This Saturday! 10 Bands! 10 Artists! 1 Warehouse!







Upstart Productions is pleased to announce Upstart Concerts’ GO WEST FEST will take place Saturday, April 7th, 2012 from 3PM until 1AM as the inaugural West Dallas Music Festival.

GO WEST FEST will be a day of local art, music, and food, and a celebration of the ever expanding city of art. After decades of work, the Margaret Hunt Hill bridge will soon lead into West Dallas, the diverse and culturally rich corridor towards Oak Cliff.

Acknowledging the fact that most people won’t venture places that haven’t established a strong personality or reputation, this is the critical time for Dallas to GO WEST! – There are no greater ambassadors than the artists that create work for Dallas.

More info on the Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/297784143623846/


Episode 101 : Mustaches, Beers, and Brazilians

This episode was so much fun that I cannot remember what we talked about!!! April fools. :/ But it was super, duperly fun!

On today’s episode Paul, Jon, and Danielle rap over Stella Artois. They also talk about porn,  personal grooming, and play with mustaches courtesy of The Game Night Guys. Oh, and the trio visit with Diane in a special Between Here and Cool segment. OH, and the cast talk about America’s Next Top Model for 5 minutes.

Hot topics include : The OctoMom is on welfare, a woman claims McDonald’s drove her to prostitution,  a writer for Esquire asks women to brush up on their bedroom skills, and later the trio talk a bit more about the Trayvon Martin case.

This week’s featured song is “Secret VHS Collection” by Total Slacker. It’s from their album, Thrashin [Explicit] !


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