Episode 85 : Burning Down the House

Oh mah lord! 2011 is almost over! On today’s show Jon shares an embarrassing story, Paul plays with FaceTime, and Diane brings the humble.

Hot Topics include : A women burns down her friends house because her friend “un-friended” her on FaceBook, 11 luxury sports cars are totaled in a massive traffic pileup, a black college student’s display of the Confederate flag raises a few eyebrows, a condom manufacturer advertising campaign finds them sending men FaceBook friend requests from their unborn children, and an Indian snake charmer releases the cobras in a tax office.

This week’s featured song is “Whale” by Yellow Ostrich.


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Episode 84 : Topless Teachings

Welcome back, turkey stuffers!! On today’s show Paul cooks, Diane wears a scarf, Danielle teaches topless, and Jon hates the A-List. The cast share Thanksgiving stories and discuss the terror that was Black Friday.

Hot topics include : an open letter from a dancer explaining why she refused to participate in a performance created by a famous performance artist, and yet another A-List Dallas cast member is assaulted.  Jon talked so much shit about the show that he is going to have to watch it. Anyone know where he can purchase some tranquilizers?

This week’s featured song is “Maracas” by Mates of State


Be sure to check out Jon as he hangs out with Big C on Bear Crawling live this Thursday at 9:30 p.m. Eastern/8:30 Central.

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