Secretly Timid Quickie : Politicking

In this special quickie Jeremy Prince shares his twit-off with “Top Conservative on Twitter,” Mark R. Mathews. Later, the group talks politics and Danielle drops the Kim Kardashian bomb.

A Secretly Timid Interview : Don’t Tell My Wife I’m A Cult Leader / Gray, The New Black

Jon and Danielle welcome creator Todd Steinberg and artist Matt Rox from the the soon to be hit program, Don’t Tell My Wife I’m a Cult Leader, and curator (and fellow artist) for the Kessler Sept. 3 show, Misty Amber Moore into the cat studio for a car horn-side chat.

Misty, Todd, and Matt

Later, Gray, the New Black discuss how the band was formed and their musical influences. They also perform a brand new song called, “Ringtones and Royalties” before hitting the road for Austin where they will be performing at the Flamingo Cantina August 25th.

Johnn, Mike, and Alan. AKA, Gray, the New Black

You can see the band, the premier of Don’t Tell My Wife I’m a Cult Leader, and meet everyone you heard on this show Saturday, September 3rd at the Kessler Theater. Did we mention that it was free???

Head over to the Angelika Sept 23rd for a screening of Don’t Tell My Wife I’m a Cult Leader at the Dallas Video Fest!!


Music featured on this episode includes the theme music for Don’t Tell My Wife I’m a Cult Leader performed by Andy Sperandeo,  and “Ringtones and Royalties” and “Counting the Holes in my Heart” by Gray, The New Black.


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sketch by Matt Rox

HumpDay Funny : Confessions of an Ex-Gay Superstar

 Sadly, this video is not parody; but it could be easily mistaken as such…

Meet Randy Thomas, ex-Executive Vice President of Exodus International (the pray the gay away people) and supposed Ex-Gay.


The “non-profit” group promotes the message of “freedom from Homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ.” This is a great read from UC Davis regarding attempts to change sexuality.  Here is an excerpt :

Based on its review of the studies that met these standards, the Task Force concluded that “[E]nduring change to an individual’s sexual orientation is uncommon. The participants in this body of research continued to experience same-sex attractions following SOCE[sexual orientation change efforts] and did not report significant change to other-sex attractions that could be empirically validated, though some showed lessened physiological arousal to all sexual stimuli. Compelling evidence of decreased same-sex sexual behavior and of engagement in sexual behavior with the other sex was rare. Few studies provided strong evidence that any changes produced in laboratory conditions translated to daily life. Thus, the results of scientifically valid research indicate that it is unlikely that individuals will be able to reduce same-sex attractions or increase other-sex sexual attractions through SOCE” (pp. 2-3).

In addition, the Task Force found evidence to indicate that some individuals experienced harm or believed they had been harmed by these interventions. 

Something about Mr. Thomas seems inauthentic. I can quite put my finger on it… and why is the following song playing in my head?


Episode 70 : Back to School Special

Jeremy Prince returns for another special episode of Secretly Timid. On today’s show the crew check in on Diane, Danielle gets accepted to Contemporary Ballet Dallas, and in irony news : Jon’s vampy high school bully makes a video for It Get’s Better. Hot Topics include : mayor for a day declares “Justin Beiber Way,” Kentucky man goes in for a circumcision and goes out minus a penis, a bridal shop refuses to sell a wedding dress to a lesbian, a Texas man attacks woman and claims to be a vampire, and the Japanese return 78 million in cash after quake.

This week’s featured song is “Poets and Philosophers” by Gray, the New Black.


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Episode 69 : Foul Monkey

Happy Secretly Timid Tuesday folks! Jon, Paul and Danielle welcome special guest Jeremy Prince to the cat studio. The quartet catch up with Diane who is currently Between * Here & Cool, and then dive right into some hot topics. This week’s hot topics include : a new drug can kill any viral infection, a jet blue passenger urinates on a young girl, a FaceBook petition asks Bert and Ernie to make it official, the more educated you are = you spend more for booze, and some pet lovers push to allow their pets on restaurant patios while a new law gives diners a “buffer zone” from beggers.  Other topics include Project Runway, the Iowa straw poll, Rick Perry, and Texas Legislation.

Photo By : Andria Lindquist

This week’s featured song is “Old Habits” by Hot Bodies in Motion. Pick up their album, Old Habits on iTunes!



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Monday NerdGasm : The Amazing Spider-Man Trailer

Ok. Ok. So the Tobey M. Spider-Man was released in what…2001? If you ask me it is still a little too early for a reboot. But…gotta say this trailer looks pretty swanky. Andrew Garfield feels very Peter Paker-y and Emma Stone is in everything, so of course she was cast as Gwen Stacey. Seriously…Emma, take a vacation. Enjoy the trailer below. The film hits theaters July 3, 2012.
