Secretly Timid Quickie : Catching Up with Cool

As in life…sometimes 69 doesn’t turn out the way we expect. A meteor crashed into the cat studio and Episode 69 was damaged in the fire. Some audio clippings were salvaged. Among the found clippings is this conversation with Diane, who is currently Between Here & Cool. Some shorter clips were also saved and will be posted here via our SoundCloud account. Follow Diane’s journey via Between * Here & Cool and prepare yourself for next week’s episode 69!

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Monday Nerdgasm : Freddy Krueger DLC in Mortal Kombat

Those who know me know that I grew up watching A Nightmare on Elm Street. I was one of those weird kids who LOVED Freddy Krueger. I loved him so much, in fact, that I got put in “time out” in kindergarten  for play A Nightmare on Elm Street with my classmates. Turns out that the teacher didn’t like my pretending to kill other kindergarteners. What a bitch. Well, one of my childhood fantasies comes true this Tuesday when Midway releases the Freddy Krueger DLC pack for Mortal Kombat. Loyalist will be peeveed that this version for Freddy is from the remake that his theaters a few years back and not the version Robert England made famous. Here’s hoping that England’s version will be released as an alternate costume down the line. And I know, I know…he has two gloves….but such is the limitations of a 2D fighter. Still, he looks awesome and I am stoked for the DLC pack. If you wanna play…our XBox Live name is SecretlyTimid. The DLC pack will be available for download August 9th.


Music Preview : Active Child

Photo By Steven Slims

If you are a fan of ethereal, tchno-lite soundscapes tinged with R&B, chances are you will be a fan of choir-boy turned indie musician Pat Grossi, aka Active Child.


Check out tracks “Playing House (feat. How To Dress Well)” and title track, “You are all I see” below.

“Playing House”

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“You are all I See”

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You Are All I See will be available in stores August 23rd via our friends, Vagrant Records.

ThunderCats 2011 Review

I apologize. I am unhinging my jaw to make room for a big ‘ole piece of crow. In person and slightly in the blogosphere I bitched and moaned about how horrible this remake was destined to be.


Friday was a busy day for me…so of course I forgot to DVR the premier. So Monday I frantically scoured the interwebs in hopes of finding a copy to view online…and luckily I was able to find one virus-free. The animation is closer to the original series which is probably due to both series being animated in Japan. For me, the anime style is either a hit or miss…and in this case I think it is a hit. The soft pastely-like hues trigger some sort of nostalgia within me. Within just a few minutes I was sucked in.

The voice acting is excellant-o. The voice of King Claudus sounded eerily familiar…kinda like the original Lion-O. Guess what. Same dude (Larry Kenney). My ear-memory is awesome. Cheetara is voiced by the gorgeous Emmanuelle Chrigui of Entourage fame. Tygra and Jaga are voiced by v/o pros Matthew Mercer and Corey Burton while Panthro is voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson from The Cleveland Show. Will Friedle from Boy Meets World fame voices the Lion-O.

The story is a familiar one. A young prince (Lion-O) has his head in the clouds and neglects his princely-duties. His precious ideologies creates rifts with his King father and fuels a rivalry with his older brother (Tygra). Due to betrayal, the cats’ enemy, the Lizard clan, decimate the cat kingdom forcing Lion-O and company to flee their once beautiful home.

This reboot feels similar to Marvel Comics “Ultimate” line. Rather than just going with the flow as was the case in the original series, each character seems to have his/her own point of view. Tygra is now Lion-O’s older, adopted brother. He seems to, by all means, be the better fit for King (on paper.) Wiley Kat and Kit are now resourceful street urchins. Snarf (perhaps my fav change) is now truly just a cat-type pet. No talky-talk. I was, however, correct in my assumption that Cheetara would be turned into the “beautiful enforcer” archetype of female warrior, rather than the badass mother-figure she was in the original. Unlike her contemporaries, she seems calm and collected rather than emotional and hotheaded. She is soon revealed to be part of Jaga’s cleric clan, which may be used down the line if they wish for this version of the character to also be telepathic.) Panthro was shown little in the premier, but I believe he will be explored later in the series. Lion-O, however, is similar to every other point of view young hero. A little stale, but he is supposed to be.

As I watched the premier I kept on thinking that if I were a parent this would be a show I would allow my children to see. Lessons in compassion, empathy, teamwork and creativity are woven in an action-packed pill. Yes, I will continue watching this series. I am excited to see where it goes.

ThunderCats airs on Cartoon Network Fridays at 8:30/7:30c.




HumpDay Funny : G.I. Joe PSA’s


This week’s HumpDay Funny is sure to tug at the heartstrings of all 80’s children. Remember those PSA’s that followed each episode of G.I. Joe? Well, how do you like ’em now? You gotta lick it, stick it, then see-ya-later BYE! (Knowing is half the battle).


She Did It!!!!

Congratulations to my dear, dear, friend Cindy Frank on bringing baby Lennon Douglas Frank into the world. Baby Lennon weighed in at 7.13 lbs. Baby, Momma, and Poppa are all doing well. Cindy and Poppa Doug both appeared on Episode 2 and 3 (seems like only yesterday).


Episode 68 : Prankin’ That Ass

The cast kick it old school on Episode 68. First up, the crew check in on the injured Paul and talk about the iPhone game “Shadow Cities.” Jon, Diane, and Danielle then proceed to prank call fellow podcasts The Game Night Guys, Foul Monkeys, The Uncanny X-Cast and the web show, Drunk Dial. Hot Topics include : hot dogs give you butt cancer, dangly truck testicles get a woman in trouble, healthier happy meals are on the way, and a motorcyclist hurls through van window and lands in the backseat. Later, Diane discusses her upcoming cross-country adventure, “Between Here and Cool.” It’s her dissertation…and she will be gone for 3 weeks. You can follow her travels by following her blog, “Between Here and Cool.” We’ll be checking in on her adventures on the show as well.

This week’s featured song is “Santa Fe” by Beirut.  Their album, Rip Tide, is in stores now.
