Episode 67 : Side Part or Comb Over?

We have a lot of cover to ground, y’all. On this week’s show Jon teases Diane, Danielle dyes her hair, and Paul misses his gray. Hot topics include : The Debt ceiling, Amy Winehouse, The terrorist attack in Norway, a Texas mother inches closer to creating her dead son’s baby, a study which shows politicians share traits with serial killers, a patient turns off roommies life support because it kept him a wake, could the ‘no kill’ movement lead to cat hoarding?, and New Zealand introduces ban on weird baby names.

This week’s featured song is Phonetics by Reptar. We love them. You should too.

We featured their track “Stuck in my Id” a few shows back. Check it out below :

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/18970625″]

And check out this nifty interview!




Belated HumpDay Funny : Baby Monkey/Nom Nom Redux

Don’t give me no lip. I had a really, really long day yesterday and neglected the humpday funny duties. So you get two videos from ParryGripp. And they are cute. Enjoy.


Baby Monkey (Riding Backwards On A Pig)


Nom Nom Nom Nom


Episode 66 : Death and Politics

 Happy Secretly Timid Tuesday Bois and Ghurls! This one is a little heavy. Jon starts things off by asking Diane and Danielle if they are cart returners or cart leavers (for shame Danielle, for shame!) Then Jon revisits an online discussion with a grammar-challenged bisexual with a penchant for typing in run-on sentences mumbo jumbo which leads to a delightful conversations on whether or not bisexuals are widely represented in popular culture it really hurts me to not place a period here or at least a comma but Diane you know she mentions Olivia Wilde’s bisexual character on House and Jon totally forgets John Barrowman’s lead character Captain Jack Harkness on Torchwood.

Later, Diane campaigns to get Kristin and Dannielle from Everyone is Gay to agree to a Secretly Timid interview.

Hot Topics include : a Garden Grove, Calif woman drugs her husband and proceeds to cut off his penis, a woman from Oklahoma attacks a woman who resembles Casey Anthony, a Muslim hate-crime victim asks a Tx court to spare the life of his attacker, and Rupert Murdoch apologizes.

photo by Marta Dymek

This week’s featured song is “Human Condition” by Jhameel. Don’t forget to download his album for free!!

* * *

Email : Letters@SecretlyTimid.com






HumpDay Funny : Man explains to WFTV News why he loves the Orlando Police Department

Back in June several volunteers from the Food not Bombs group were arrested after hosting a buffet for the homeless in an Orlando park. Weeks ago the public protested the arrests. There was one man on the other side of the protest line who apparently supported the Orlando Police Department…



Lizzie from Limmerick

By Jon Lee Hart


There once was a woman from Limerick

Who met a man who suffered from limp dick

The solution, you see

came from a Corgi’s wee-wee

But alas, the woman…she fell sick.


Online Signs

By Paul Tran

A lady once met a man online

Their love of sexy dogs was a sign

She agreed to come over

They heavy pet poor Rover

Her allergy buried her in pine


Poor Rover

By Dr. Michael Austin

So often fetishes cross fine lines,

But people refuse to change their minds.

If with dogs you lie

it might cause you to die.

One shouldn’t have coitus with K9s.



Episode 65 : Enema or Douche?


Good Grief! On today’s show the cast jazz about Big Brother, the Casey Anthony trial, DADT and a tragic accident at Ranger’s Stadium. This week’s hot topics include : a 16 lb baby was born in Texas,  gonorrhea goes hardcore, Albertson’s nixes its self-checkout lane, a woman faces 93 days in jail because of her garden, and another woman dies after having sex with a dog.

This week’s featured song is “Electrified” by Ben Sollee
