Episode 62 : Saddle Up!

What a difference a day makes. On this week’s episode Diane is in bandages, Danielle wrecks her car, Jon contemplates makeup, and Paul facebooks. Hot Topics include : a woman drives into a swamp (because the GPS told her to), a study finds that homophobic men are aroused by gay porn, another study reveals what people believe makes one a good husband/wife, a Portland man urinates in the cities water reservoir (and costs the city $33K to drain),  a Bald Eagle drops a baby deer on a power line causing one hell of a blackout, a NY Times interactive graph will tell you how many other households are like yours, and a Florida based performance artist hugs his father for 24hrs in the name of art…or something.

This week’s featured song is “Credit Card Babie$” by MEN.


John Gold, “A Flower in your Head”

John Gold

A Flower In Your Head

Official Website

Release Date : June 14, 2011

Vagrant Records





With smart lyrics, quirky production, and west coast flair, A Flower in your Head is primed to be the soundtrack to your summer.

A Flower in your Head is Gold’s third release (preceded by These are Color Days (2002) and The Eastside Shake (2004). His music has also appeared in Weeds and the independent film Mean Creek. Gold’s vocal stylings are reminiscent of Rufus Wainwright and Aimee Mann, so if you are a fan of either artists, chances are you will soon be a fan of Gold.

The album kicks off with “Skyscraper.” Led by charming keys and tambourines he sings, “you’re a heart so breakable and I am see thru. Thick as glass.”

“Thursday” is an interesting beast. It begins with keys, beats, and space bleeps. The Hermetic mantra “As Above, So below” is repeated more than once-  At least…I believe it is Hermatic…I may be wrong…perhaps this is a Tom Tom Club reference? I mean…who doesn’t love those guys.  There is some very interesting imagery floating in this song- (vultures turning to dove, the famed looking glass, etc.) and Gold manages to herd these images together without any hint of pretension. Midway through the song is a glorious tempo change that made the cliché-d hairs on the back of my neck come to attention. This track quickly became a favorite and I bet it would be great live.

“Baby it’s your Life” is another standout track. Lyrically it reads like a lighthearted entry on fml. It’s happy-go-lucky chorus is a reminder to not take yourself so seriously. The bridge “don’t freak out, don’t freak out” is magic.

The album closer “The Loop!” has within it a beautiful summation of the album: “The sound was so beautiful. Oh the endless possibilities. The sophisticated melodies…”All in all this is a most successful album. Unlike other acts making the rounds Gold seems like an old friend you can’t wait to roll into town. It is evident that Gold spent a lot of time and heart on this album, and I have a feeling he will continue to produce great albums for years to come.

[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/playlists/849689″ height=”200”]

Episode 61 : Basically Amazing

On this week’s show, Diane talks PhotoMojo, Jon talks Weiner, Danielle dances again, and Paul is planning a party. This week’s news blabber includes : one girl’s sweet sixteen is crashed by 1500 uninvited guests, roads closed in Georgia so that the zombies may walk, a California treasure hunter vows to find Bin Laden, Harold Camping suffers a stroke, a contortionist thief gets caught in Spain, and a Floridiot shoots her boyfriend through the heart…and are still together.

This week’s song is “Baby it’s your Life” by John Gold.

Evening Bender : The Fourth Ace Poker Club

Jon welcomes Tim, Gregg, and Danny from The Fourth Ace Poker Club into the cat studio for a fun Evening Bender. The quartet talk about the origins the Dallas’ finest card room, shared stories about bad beats, and discussed the possibility or organizing a charity tournament in the near future. Click here if you are interested in learning more about The Fourth Ace Poker Club.

Elledanceworks Presents : 14

Photo By Brian Guilliaux

Elledanceworks promises to delight and inspire once again! Attend Elledanceworks 14, the final performance of season 14 and experience a unique combination of smart, edgy and lush works. Enjoy the featured premieres: Unravel, by co-director Ronelle Eddings, is a moving emotional portrait of Romola Nijinsky as she copes with her husband Vaslav Nijinsky’s decent into insanity; From One Fountain by co-director Michele Hanlon weaves a rich tapestry of design and musicality in relaying the strength of human connection. Company member Shelley Padilla premieres Coming to Terms, a high-energy quartet; also included on the program are new works by company members Melissa Bjork, and Tiffanee Arnold and additional favorites Happy People by Eddings and One Hundred Backdoors by Hanlon. Danielle Georgiou Dance Company is our guest, and this concert also features music by Amy Seltzer!

So go out and get some culture!!

at the Bath House Cultural Center,

521 E. Lawther Dr.
Dallas, TX 75218
(214) 670-8749

Price: $15.00 General Admission, $12.00 Students, Seniors and Dance Council Members, Ages 12 and under are free.
Phone: (214) 366-0630
Age Suitability: All Ages
6/16 6/17/ and 6/18 at 8:00 p.m.

HumpDay Funny : Takin’ Mah Money!!!


This week’s HumpDay Funny comes courtesy of the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas. Peeps, don’t use your phone in the theater, don’t talk, and don’t bring uber small babies. And if you do and get kicked out…PLEASE leave a belligerent voice mail.

Episode 60 : Johnson’s Attack Cock

If it’s Tuesday, it’s Secretly Timid. Diane talks crossover, Jon plays with his hair, Danielle dances, and Paul makes a great zombie. In the news today : one town’s aggravated cock, a call for a ban on circumcision gaining momentum, a boy sells a kidney for an iPad, and a Florida man kills two and avoids jail by paying restitution.

This week’s featured song is “Fragile Bird” by City and Colour.