City and Colour, “Little Hell”

City and Colour

Little Hell

Official Website

Release Date : June 7, 2011

Vagrant Records


Available via iTunes

and Amazon


Armed with a beautiful voice, electric backing band, and eleven solid songs, City and Colour‘s (AKA Dallas Green’s) long awaited third album, Little Hell, now available for your consumption.

If Little Hell chronicles the joy, confusion, and hopelessness that follows us, the album’s first track, “We Found Each Other in the Dark,” is the hope and promises which begin new love. The song, romantic and waltzy, is a great opener.  “The Grand Optimist” blends thoughtful lyrics with a staccato strum. “Little Hell” continues the folk confessional and leads into lead single “Fragile Bird,” which is pure blues-rock. “Northern Wind,” with it’s sparse strings and light production is reminiscent of the sound for which Dallas Green is known and loved.  With similar themes and narrative, “O’ Sister” may be a sister song to “Fragile Bird.” “Hope For Now” is a stunning closer. ” Dallas Green sings, “How can I instill such hope, but be left with none of my own? What if could sing just one song and if might save somebody’s life.”

Little Hell is complex, heartfelt, and heavy. It is full of vivid imagery and interesting arrangements. While possibly too heavy for an everyday listen, this album is the perfect companion for those dark times.

City and Colour : “Fragile Bird” Music Video


Check out the video for City and Colour‘s, “Fragile Bird,” directed by Michael Maxxis.  Little Hell drops next week. Pre-Order the album via iTunes or Amazon and be on the lookout for our review. If you have any questions for City and Colour, email them to! While you are at it, go ahead and download the single, “Fragile Bird.”

Episode 59 : Diagnosis Gone

On today’s show, Danielle demonstrates proper one-armed push-up technique, Paul goes to the drive-in and Jon finishes 2nd in a poker tournament. News stories include: a Baylor student arrested for whackin’ off into a passed-out friend’s mouth, a Floridian arrested for whackin’ off on an airplane, and an outbreak of horse herpes forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies. The trio also discuss things not to say in polite company, how one study proves cultured men are healthy and happy, and how another study finds women are less sexually attracted to happy men.

This episode’s featured song is “Safari Disco Club” by Yelle.


New Music Preview : John Gold, “A Flower In Your Head”

John Gold is the poster child for DIY. He has two self-released albums behind him (These Are Color Days (2002), The Eastside Shake (2005)), and his third album, A Flower In Your Head, will be released June 14th on Vagrant Records.

If you are a fan of finely crafted pop songs with a west coast flair, you will love John Gold. Check out two tracks off A Flower In Your Head below. They are free to download as well.

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“Baby It’s Your Life”

Episode 58 : Boy’s Night

It’s boy’s night at Secretly Timid. Jon changes his inappropriate ways and Paul shares his favorite podcasts. The two then talk comic books and the season finale of Survivor, The Amazing Race and Celebrity Apprentice. News stories include Lars Von Trier’s Nazi speech at Cannes, residents at a Singapore apartment drinking corpse-tainted water, Canadian parents who are keeping the sex of their child a secret, and another woman hiding things in her lady flower.

This week’s featured song is “Go For the Throat” by The Elected.

The Elected, “Bury Me in My Rings”

The Elected

Bury Me in My Rings

Official Website

Release Date : May 17, 2011

Vagrant Records


Available via iTunes

and Amazon


After taking a five-year break from music, Blake Sennett, the dude from Rilo Kiley and the boy you loved to hate on that show from our formative years, Boy Meets World, Joseph “Joey the Rat” Epstein (and he played Ronnie Pinsky on Salute Your Shorts), is back with a new album from his solo project, The Elected.








Bury Me in My Rings, the third full-length release by The Elected, is a fun jaunt through mid-century West Coast rock. The pop album is layered with soulful harmonies, like on the late-‘70s-era Rolling Stones inspired “Babyface,” and relaxing trips to island escapes, with “Trip Round the World” that brings back the unique sound of the ukulele. Then there’s the David Bowie-esque “Go For The Throat,” which could totally become a personal anthem (and it’s already on repeat).

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With simple drums, a grooving bass, and catchy lyrics, Bury Me in My Rings is an uncomplicated, yet refined album that just makes you smile and bop your head. It’s a feel good listen for the summer—a great album for lounging by the pool, driving along the coast, or just chilling.

A side note: four out of the 12 songs are titled after their respective first lines; at least you’ll always know what song you are listening while shuffling through tracks on your iPod.