New Music Preview : City & Colour, “Little Hell”

Photo by Vanessa Heins

2-time Juno award winning musical phenomenon, City & Colour (aka Dallas Green) will release his 3rd studio album, Little Hell, June 7th. We here at Secretly Timid are anxiously awaiting to review it.

We thought…why not share some tracks? So check out the tracks “Fragile Bird” and “Norther Wind” below as well as a behind the scenes look at his video for “Fragile Bird.” We think his voice is truly one of a kind. Be on the lookout for our review of Little Hell in the coming weeks, and go ahead and pre-order the album via iTunes or Amazon.

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“Fragile Bird” Like it? Download it for free.

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“Norther Wind”


Dead White Zombies Present : blahblah

Hey folks, get on out and get some culture! There are only 6 (count em, 6) performances remaining of blahblah, a critically acclaimed show by noted playwright Dr. Thomas Riccio and his Dead White Zombie crew.

blahblah runs until May 28 over at the Green Zone (161 Riveredge Dr. Dallas, Texas 75207). Tickets are $15 for adult zombies and $12 for student zombies. All shows begin promptly at 8 p.m.

Alexandra Bonifield from the Dallas Examiner writes :

“Exhilarating live theater…

Resplendent with vivid ideas and colorful characterizations, an aboriginal archetypal ambience, along with clearly drawn, commedia-like characters, charming yet edgy, bizarre yet real…It bursts with imagery, concrete and fantastical.

2011 A Space Odyssey meets It’s A Wonderful Life in walkabout dream-time. Doors open unexpectedly, physically, metaphorically, virtually and otherwise….

It’s a State Fair Fun-house full of alarming kooks, raging cranks and mirrors of the soul.

The Secretly Timid crew will be attending next week’s performance. Wanna double date?


Album Preview : The Elected, “Bury Me In My Rings”

Photo By Lauren Dukoff

WOOT! Blake Sennett is out of retirement and on the road with The Elected, and their third album, Bury Me In My Rings, is out now. Sennett is probably most known for being the guitarist and co-songwriter of the indie band, Rilo Kiley, but trust us, this album is chock full of indie pop greatness and just may be your summer soundtrack. Feel free to download the songs “Babyface” and “Go for the Throat” below, and if you like what you hear you can purchase the album via iTunes for only $7.99. Check out the tour schedule to catch the band live. Oh, and be sure to check out our review next week!

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“Go For The Throat”

The Elected on Tour
6/13 @ Sail Inn – Phoenix, AZ
6/16 @ Club Dada – Dallas, TX
6/17 @ Emos – Austin, TX
6/18 @ Fitzgeralds – Houston, TX
6/22 @ Local 506 – Chapel Hill, NC
6/23 @ Red Palace – Washington, DC
6/24 @ Johnny Brendas – Philadelphia, PA
6/26 @ Maxwell’s – Hoboken, NJ
6/28 @ Brighton Music Hall – Boston, MA
6/30 @ The Drake – Toronto, ONT
7/1 @ Grog Shop – Cleveland, OH
7/2 @ Schubas – Chicago, IL
7/3 @ Triple Rock – Minneapolis, MN
7/8 @ Tractor Tavern – Seattle, WA
7/10 @ Bunk Bar – Portland, OR
7/13 @ Bottom of the Hill – San Francisco, CA
7/17 @ Casbah – San Diego, CA

Episode 57 : The Pre-Rapt Party

Welcome to Secretly Timid’s pre-rapture party. The gang starts things off with a colorful discussion about iPhone for the visually impaired, Bin Laden’s porn cache, a 8-year old being injected with botox, Huckabee and Trump’s decision to not run for President in 2012, and (naturally) the rapture. News stories include a park in Massachusetts (not New York as Jon reported) which lamp posts are powered by doggie poo, a whisky-powered bio-energy plant in Scotland, cute little cat ear headbands powered by your brain, a kiss transmission device, and plans for a 4000 mph underwater train from New York to London.  EDIT*** Irish whiskey, NOT U.S. whisky has the extra ‘e.’ Jon was once again mistaken.

This week’s featured song is “Hamilton” by Big Scary

Monday Nerdgasm : “How to live in a 258 Square Foot Apartment” by Christian Shallert, photographer

Just the other day I thought to myself, my apartment is just too small. I have no place to put my old X-Men comics…the ones when the team lived in Australia and were all awesome and stuff. Well, if I were as resourceful and handsome as photographer Christian Schallert, all my problems would be solved. Watch the clip below and see for yourself. If you would like to see some of his art, you may do so by clicking here.


Alexander : Truth (White Arrows Remix) + Videos

Just in time for the weekend, download White Arrow’s remix of Alexander Ebert’s hit song, “Truth.” (Click to download)

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While you are at it, check out this video of Alexander and his band performing “Truth” in Austin at SXSW.


…and here is a truly beautiful music video for the track “A Million Years.” Directed by Benjamin Kutsko.

You can purchase Alexander Ebert’s self-titled debut via iTunes.

HumpDay Funny : Drunk Dial

“You’re drunk. We’re drunk. Let’s talk about it.” So say the lovely ladies of Drunk Dial, the number 1 internet drunk advice show. Emily and Jodi are doing their part in keeping Austin informed (and weird…in a good way), and boy are we ever so thankful. Check out Episode 1 below and be on the lookout for season 2.
