Game Review : Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age : Origins is one of my favorite games. The story was epic, the characters memorable and the game incredibly deep. It seems like just yesterday I was using a corkscrew to pry the cellophane off Origins. Now its sequel is blowing up my 360.

Which Hawke will you be?

The Good


In Dragon Age 2 players assume the role of Hawke, the “Champion of Kirkwall.” Unlike Origins, Hawke can only be human. Hawke can be either male or female, and can be either a mage, warrior, or rogue. The story begins as Hawke and his/her family flees that ravaged nation of Ferelden and land on Kirkwall. For a more in depth report of the story check this article via wiki.  Just know this- the story is rich, touching, and full of surprises. Oh, and if you import your save data from Origins then those events will be mentioned. Such a nice touch.


This game is much, much prettier than its predecessor. The different races (Elf, Human, Dwarf, Qunari) have all been remodeled along with some of the baddies. Backgrounds are also rich and crisp. The magic effects are also pretty wild.

The soundtrack is equally as impressive, which should come as little shock. The voice acting is a little shaky in parts, but overall it is top notch.

The Bad

It’s all in the Details

Sue me. I’m gonna be nitpicky. Should you choose make your Hawke anything other than white then your mother has some ‘xplainin’ to do because you will look shockingly different than your brother and sister. Come on BioWare. Did you not take notes from Fallout 3? In that game if you make your character African-American guess what? Your characters father is also African-American. This sort of oversight is annoying.

In-Game Mechanics

So how does the game play? Well…it is different than Origins. Whereas Origins is more geared towards team battle; Dragon Age 2 is more focused on the action. It does take a little while to get used to…but once you do it is pretty fun.

This is Reality, right?

Again, it is all in the details. This game spans a decade, right? So explain to me why your character and his/her allies never seem to age. And why does the city never change as well? BioWare, we expect more from you.

Final Verdict

This game is a ton of fun and is far superior than most games on the shelves. However, when compared to Origins it feels short and at times repetitive.  If you’ve seen one sewer, you have apparently seen them all. The game was not at all challenging (except for the duel with the Qunari leader.) Replay value aside-I still rate this a buy.


Episode 53 : Trapdoor

Gelatin. On today’s show Jill, Jon, and Paul devour candy and discuss a variety of topical topics including : a 90210 landmark up for sale, Kobe Bryant fined $100k for calling a ref a gay slur live on ESPN, 6 very important things we are running out of, West Texas becoming more lonely, and the Department of Justice’s pressing the red button on online poker.

This week’s featured song is “Stuck in my Id” by Reptar.

Episode 52 : Biplexual

Happy Anniversary to us! Secretly Timid turns 1 April 15th. On this week’s show Diane comes out as a biplexual, Jon is hungover, and Jill and Paul eat Easter candy. News stories includes a slut march in Canada, a man who was arrested for being naked in his home was finally cleared of charges, young men are mysteriously disappearing along the Canada/US border, and a company offers post rapture pet care. Later, Jill updates a previous twitter face-off and accepts a challenge from Jon.

photo by Michael Ann German

This week’s featured song is “Baby Don’t You Cry” by Fergus & Geronimo

Evening Bender : Shooting the Shit with Julie and Jeremy Prince

Danielle and Jon discuss SB 354 (the senate bill which would legally allow students and faculty to carry concealed firearms) with Julie Gavran and Jeremy Prince. Later, Danielle and Jeremy call Senator Jeff Wentworth’s office (you can call too at (512) 463-0125) to voice their concerns. If you would like to participate in the rally to keep guns off Texas public college campuses, click the hyper link like a badass.

Humpday Funny : Olivia Munn, Meet MC Hammer

photo via

This is an oldie but a goodie. Ya know, the teleprompter is supposed to be your friend. Still, sometimes these little machines can make even the most hardy of on-air talent stumble. Before Olivie Munn was on Perfect Couples and The Daily Show, she co-hosted G4’s Attack of the Show with Kevin Pereira. Although I wish she never left ATS, I am glad such highlights will exist forever.



Episode 51 : Boner for President!

The partisan panties fly on episode 51! Jon has a headache, Diane and Jill eat candy, and Paul takes the day off to fill out his application for Bravo’s The A-List. News stories include 3 stories involving organ donation : Comedian Ricky Cisco’s selfless donation to a Facebook friend’s husband, a recipient contracts HIV from his donor, and a follow-up to a story previously discussed involving convicted sisters. Maine Legislators introduced a bill that if passed would loosen existing child labor laws. Also, the Supreme court overturned a ruling that would award a wrongly convicted man $14 million for his 18 years (14 of which were on death row) in prison. The DA (Harry Connick Sr.) withheld evidence that would prove his innocence. Finally, Chad Gibson, a man whose skull was fractured during the Rainbow Lounge raid in 2009, was awarded $400k from the city of Fort Worth.

Later, Jill pits Big Dick Hunter against Kelly Mohr-Close (of the Pugs and Kelly Show) in this week’s twitter face-off.

This week’s featured song is “When it Comes to You” by Dead Ghosts.

Dan Savage at the Kessler 3*31*2011

Dan Savage is on his way to becoming a household name. He is a frequent guest on MSNBC, Joy Behar, Real Time with Bill Maher, and is one of only a few guests to make Stephen Colbert blush. For the past twenty some-odd years Savage has tirelessly answered sex-related questions via his syndicated advice column and his podcast, the Savage Lovecast. He is currently developing a program for MTV called “Savage U.” Dallas based literary arts group WordSpace, in conjunction with Half Price Books, brought Savage to the lovely Kessler Theater located in the original OC, Oak Cliff.

Like most art scenes, the audience was a buffet platter of all different flavors of human beings. Once you entered the Kessler, a polite gentleman handed you a note card for which to write a question for the man of the evening to answer. The Kessler is a beautiful space; hip yet inviting. Full bars are on ground level as well as the balcony. BF Jimmy and I decided a birds eye view best for the evening, and popped upstairs to sit in one of the comfortable oversized leather chairs. Local celebs and friends like Dr. Venus Opal Reese, Slam poet Rock Baby, the scoundrel Jeremy Matthew Connors, and the regal Nan Little were all in attendance.

Savage took the stage fashionably late with a thick stack of note cards in his hands. For the next two hours he answered each one. The questions ranged from “how do I get over “the ONE?” to “How do I tell a hookup I am HIV positive?” The night was more light than heavy, but he did not shy away from discussing such heavy issues like the solvency of Social Security.  All in all, Savage held us all in the palm of his muscular hands. Check out some videos of the event below. You can purchase his books on and retailers everywhere.

