Episode 40 : Trentasize!!

This show is truly a comedy of errors. Paul turns into a robot and is unceremoniously cut off by the Skype Gods.  Jon talks poker/Jill yawns/Diane blinks. The trio sans robot discuss over-sharing in private settings, home school vs. public schooling your children, and Jill’s new big girl bed. News stories include  a college student who paid for his tuition with one dollar bills,  Gucci Mane’s hot new ink, and Starbuck’s new trenta size.

(Post Show Script – Jon unkinked the kinks. It is amazing what 8 bucks and a conversation with the hot guy at Radio Shack can do!)

The featured song for today’s episode is “Dirty Thing” by Telekinesis.

Open Mic with Secretly Timid : Melanie Sevcenko

Journalist and poet Melanie Sevcenko reads a selection of original poetry.

Melanie Sevcenko is originally from Toronto, Canada and she currently lives in Berlin, Germany where she works as a freelance journalist and reporter for international publications. She is also a published poet and fiction writer and has worked for a number of international film festivals and non-profit organizations for documentary film development, education and promotion.

Episode 39 : You Say Potato…

We lost our double D’s ! !

On today’s episode Jon, Jill and Paul (wow all one syllables too) discuss Owen Wilson’s latest role…”Daddy.” The trio also discuss whether or not one killing in Oklahoma was sex play gone terribly wrong or if it was premeditated. Jon gives Jill a guilt trip over twitter and later the cast discuss last week’s tragedy in Tucson.

The featured song is “Good Lies” from The Notwist

The word for today is “Birthday Eloping.” Let’s try to use it in a conversation today.

Episode 38 : He’s Got a Big Amygdala

On today’s episode Jill shares that she hates 80’s movies [gasp] and Jon shares his new television obsession, Pit Bulls and Parolees. Jon also discusses this editorial about Mel, one of Michael Vick’s victims. Later the cast discuss Stanford’s crazy marching band, an iPhone app that could make life easier for the color blind, and a possible organ donation which could allow criminal sisters an early release from the pokey. Speaking of jail, a Dallas parolee was just declared innocent after spending 30 years in jail.  Other news stories covered this episode include two interesting studies; one which explores the differences in conservative and liberals brains, and the other which discovered that the wealthy have trouble detecting emotions. Oh, and what is up with all the dead birds? Did you know that Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis were bed buddies? Also, check out what was the number 1 shared news story in 2010…we talked about it ages ago!

The featured song for today’s episode is “Don’t Say Nothin Now” by Divisible.

Happy Birthday, Diane

Happy Birthday, Diane! We hope you have a great day! In lieu of gifts, Diane asks that you write a review of Secretly Timid over on iTunes. So you should do that, and leave a happy birthday comment below…because….you know, she is getting older and more sensitive.

Episode 37 : Top Picks 2010

The cast discuss their top pics for 2010. They are (drum roll in your head)


Jill : Thrift Store Cowboys “Bright Fire”

Diane : The Weepies “I Was Made for Sunny Days”

Paul : The Cast of Glee “Teenage Dream”

Jon : Janelle Monae “Tightrope”

Danielle : The National “Bloodbuzz Ohio”


Jill : Winter’s Bone

Diane : Winter’s Bone / Taking Chance

Paul : The Concert

Jon : Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Danielle : Kick-Ass


Jill : Teen Mom

Diane : Parenthood

Paul : Doctor Who (Series 5)

Jon : The Walking Dead

Danielle : Teen Mom


Jill : George W. Bush “Decision Points”

Diane : Nicole Krauss “Great House”

Paul : Alonso Duralde “Have Yourself a Movie Little Christmas”

Jon : Philip Caputo “A Rumor of War”

Danielle : Christopher Moore “Bite Me” / Patrick Suskind “Perfume: The Story of a Murderer”

News Story

Jill : Joran van der Sloot

Diane : Wiki Leaks

Paul : Earthquake in Haiti

Jon : DADT Repeal / BP Oil Spill

Danielle : Mining Accident in Chile and New Zealand

The featured song for today’s episode is “All We Ask” by Grizzly Bear

Episode 36 : A Very Merry Secretly Timid

We wish you all a Happy holiday season. On today’s episode, Jon talks about what he saw during his graduation (it’s smaller than a bread box) and praises the restaurant Urban Crust. Also, Jill, Jon, and Diane take an online quiz that is supposed to guess your generation and discuss the retrial of Billy the Kid and debate healthcare. The gang later discuss how one man has been cured of AIDS and share their Christmas plans.

Today’s featured song is “All You Do is Crazy” by Fate Lions

Episode 35 : X Offender

Burrr….it’s cold outside…

On today’s episode of Secretly Timid the gang focus on faith and security. News stories include The Phelps clan’s Elizabeth Edwards funeral protest, whether or not this baby is cute or creepy, and further discussion on last weeks atheist bus-o-rama. We also discuss one filthy apartment and one man’s peculiar huffing choice, Equality Texas’ newly released polls, a NC teen’s death and TSA security flaws. Oh, and the gang play a game called “Guess who lives near the most sex offenders.” Paul won. P.S. Jon graduates Saturday and kisses academia goodbye.

Today’s featured song is “Devils” by Say Hi.