Episode 24 : Pumpkin

Happy fall everyone! On today’s episode Diane reports that the canned pumpkin shortage has come to an end. In unrelated news, atheists know more about religion than the religious, Cornell University introduces “gender neutral” facilities, and the group discusses what their last meal would be (in addition to debating capital punishment.)

This episode’s featured song is “Now What” by Quasi.

Episode 23 : The Fat Kid ‘Cast

On today’s podcast the quartet talk about the Texas State Fair and which fried food won the annual State Fair’s food contest. Paul then discusses other fattening food as well as what men really think when they say what they say.

Oh, and there is some tension in the group.

This episode’s featured song is “Beautiful Living” by the very talented singer/songwriter Lindsay Fuller. Please vote for her to win Seattle’s battle of the bands contest by clicking here.

Episode 22 : Meat Purse

Woot woot, we are 22! On today’s episode the gang discuss MTV’s video music awards (especially Lady Gaga’s meat dress). They also discuss John Mayer’s twitter boycott, one city’s push for super high speed internet, and website “Frisky’s” money guide. Also, Jill and Jon squabble, the group gives some interior design advice,  and there is hope in Paul’s pants. Just listen, you’ll understand.

The featured song for episode 22 is “Vagabond” by Greenskeepers

Episode 21 : Road Head

Jill, Jon, Diane and artist Andy Amato (who sits in for the vacationing Paul) snuggled together one rainy Tuesday morning to discuss the news which included: vandalism at a Planned Parenthood in California, a Floridian pastor’s controversial event planned for September 11th, and when multi-tasking can be taken too far. Lighter topics include an oopsie at a German grade school, and Kanye West “directly communicating” with Taylor Swift. There is also a follow up to a story mentioned on an earlier episode.

Today’s featured song is “Drank all the Wine” by J. Wagner. If you would like to donate to his kickstart campaign by pre-ordering his next album, you can do so here.

Episode 20 : Proud to be an American

Topics for todays show include a new study concerning workplace fornication, a creative post-cremation use for ashes, and Nike’s new (old) shoes. The cast also discuss Blender’s list of the 50 worst artists in music history.

The featured song for this episode is “Fights” by Fallan Soldier.

Episode 19 : Paul eats Pie

On our first Secretly Timid Tuesday the cast discusses typo vigilantes, new entries to the New American Oxford Dictionary (aka the other good book), and a possible z-list celeb sex tape. The show ends with a discussion of weird objects removed from weird places. Oh, and Paul eats pie.

Today’s featured song is “Pictures Collected” by Salim Nourallah.

Secretly Timid Tuesdays

Friends, listeners, lovers, just a quick note to let you know that our production schedule is once again changing. We were rocking the Wednesdays for a couple of weeks, but you know what…hump days are made for humping, not podding. Also, you know we are all Grad students, so each semester our schedule changes. Well, I think this change is for the better. I introduce to you….Secretly Timid Tuesdays. Please, join Jon, Diane, and Jill from 1 -3 ct on Conversations with Rick Vanderslice, then get ready for an all new episode of Secretly Timid! We also have some new episodes of “Open Mic” and “Art Appreciation” in the oven. Thanks again for listening! If you haven’t already, please rate us/review us on iTunes.

CHEERS to a great week. What are you doing for New Years Eve?