Sticky Dark Web

​This week on a very special episode of Secretly Timid, Megan still hasn’t gotten any dick pics but only as a matter of semantics, Jon gets a cold sore from a CPR dummy, Otieno is apoplectic about intellectual dishonesty and Sarah counsels us all through it.


photo by Cal Quinn

This week’s featured song is “Holy Ghost Blues” by Silas Nello


On A Mission

On this week’s special episode of Secretly Timid, Megan, Sarah, Otieno, and Jon discuss Michelle Wolf’s explosive set at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner and Rudy Giuliani’s recent talk show appearances.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

photo by BandStalkerFW

This week’s featured song is “Going Up To Space” by Shadows of Jets

Cuddle Party

This week on a very special episode of Secretly Timid Sarah finds out she’s sapiosexual, Megan watches Get Out (again…sorta), Otieno gets snuggly, and Jon is gets a tattoo. We also get an assist via screenwriter Michael Varrati and film critic Alonso Duralde on LGBTQ survivors in horror films.

Here is a sampling:

  • The Invitation
  • Rift
  • Thelma
  • Brides to Be
  • All About Evil

Oh, and we didn’t get a chance to talk about it but Michelle Wolf slayed. Fuck the haters.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

This week’s featured song is “Fine Line” by Parker Millsap from the album, Other Arrangements, which is available May 4th. He’ll be playing the Granada Theater in Dallas on Tuesday, May 8th.

Your Own Personal Manatee

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Otieno, Megan, and special guest Sarah discuss beavers, parasites, parasite inspired super powers, and dicks. You know, the uje.

Show links:

This week’s featured song is “Hallelujah (So Low)” by The Editors.

Zero Tolerance

On this week’s show, Regina, Megan, Jon, and Otieno share advice on how to discuss politics with family, and Jon reads some listener advice on the same subject. Later the quartet discuss whether or not Al Franken should resign following sexual harassment allegations, the Republican tax plan, Net Neutrality/FCC/Sinclair media, and Otieno watched Fox News so you won’t have to.

This week’s featured song is “Hawaiian Sucker Punch” by  Cab Ride Home


On this week’s episode, Jon, Megan, and Regina discuss 90’s fashion and Trump’s trip overseas. The also discuss the special “women only” screening of Wonder Woman.

This week’s featured song is “Breathe into me” by Mammút

Bed Bugs

On this week’s show, Cindy discusses a bed bug situation, Megan talks Appalachia, and Jon frets over calling 9-11.

Other hot topics include:

  • Roy Oliver, the police officer who killed 15-year old Jordan Edwards was charged with murder.
  • Macron will be the new president of France
  • Should bystanders to violent crimes be forced to intervene by law?

This week’s featured song is “Broken Record” by Alex Ebert 


On this week’s episode, Jon and Regina share their New Year Resolutions and read some listener mail. Also, Jon invests in Bitcoin and talks a bit about addiction.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

This week’s featured song is “Future Boy Today/Man of Tomorrow” by Tobin Sprout. Check out this preview of his new album, The Universe and Me via Stereogum and be sure to pick up the album January 27!

Are you There God? It’s Me, Secretly Timid


On this week’s episode, Nan, Jon, and Faith are joined by special guest Philip Washingtron, aka Cygnus. Topics include touring Europe, flying on airplanes, the ethics of artificial intelligence, and God.


This week’s featured song is Cosmos II by Cygnus


Real Talk

real talk

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon, Nan, Faith, and Brian talk more about politics, hoagie vaginas, and we learn more about new co-host, Faith.


This week’s featured song is First Date by TuskhaÂ