Post Apocalypse

post apocalypseOn this week’s episode, Nan, Brian, and Jon welcome the newest member of the Secretly Timid team, Faith Malimba. Topics include reactions to last week’s assault following a peaceful Black Lives Matter protest which resulted in the death of five police officers, the deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile by police, racial bias, and fallout from the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation.


photo by Jared Chambers

This week’s featured song is Wild Child by Cardiknox 



The Show About Justin


J Locklear

On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon, Nan, and Brian interview actor/artist Justin Locklear. You may know him from his work, “The Show About Men,” with DGDG- or perhaps, “Pizzicato,” with our own Danielle Georgiou. Or maybe you are familiar with all his work with Ochre House. Perhaps you know his voice over work with Funimation? Maybe you’ve seen him in some commercials or music videos? Do you get the point? Enjoy the interview!!


M Lewis

This week’s featured song is Not a Mechanical Dance of Atoms by Marshall Lewis




On this week’s show, Jon, Jermy, Nan, and Brian Harmless talk a lil bit about politics. Later, there was a total MUTINY and the group declares all future topics will only be pop-culture-centric.


This week’s featured song is Whenever You See Me by Kitty, Daisy, and Lewis 


You Can Get Banged Standing Up

Secretly Timid Banged


On this week’s show Jon, Nan, and Brian are joined by special guest Sarah Ruth. She’s a local musician in about fifty bands as well as a solo project. Topics covered on this week’s show include the Sandra Bland story, the Louisiana shooting, the Ashley Madison hack, and the Gawker extortion piece. We also discuss the morality of crowdfunding luxury rehabilitation stays.

Ravi ShaviThis week’s featured song is Indecisions by Ravi Shavi 

to hell

Video Black Jack Off

Mischa-3-mischa-barton-16624430-1920-1200It’s official!! Please welcome Jermy Johnson to the Secretly Timid cast! On this week’s episode, Nan talks about her romantic weekend getaway, and Jermy analyzes Jon’s hatred for straight white men. Hot topics include- Eddie Murphy refusing to impersonate Bill Cosby on SNL’s 40th anniversary, a dumbfuck politician compares Planned Parenthood to ISIS, Plano claims a recent attempt at overturning their equal protection ordinance invalid, and Dallas opens its own transgender hospital program!

taggart-rosewoodThis week’s featured song is Samantha Corrie by Taggart and Rosewood 



Episode 187: B and D Z

187It’s late Secretly Timid Sunday!!! On this week’s episode, DZ,  Nan, and Jon are in studio, and a certain Game Night Guy fills in for Harmless.

This week’s hot topics include:

Drew-Prices-Bermuda-TriangleThis week’s featured song is Ssp. by Drew Price’s Bermuda Triangle. [youtube][/youtube]187

Episode 181 : Disturbathon

181Guess what- this episode was pre-recorded. Right now Jon is cleaning his old apartment…and God only knows what Brian and Nan are up to.

We talked about some stuff. Enjoy!!


This week’s featured song is Safe and Sound by Capital Cities.



Episode 127 : Raunchy Baby-Making BTS



Did you catch that, friends? Each week we will answer you questions. SO submit your question to our facebook page…or our Tumblr or our twitter…or anywhere. We will get it and we will answer it on next week’s video!

Episode 61 : Basically Amazing

On this week’s show, Diane talks PhotoMojo, Jon talks Weiner, Danielle dances again, and Paul is planning a party. This week’s news blabber includes : one girl’s sweet sixteen is crashed by 1500 uninvited guests, roads closed in Georgia so that the zombies may walk, a California treasure hunter vows to find Bin Laden, Harold Camping suffers a stroke, a contortionist thief gets caught in Spain, and a Floridiot shoots her boyfriend through the heart…and are still together.

This week’s song is “Baby it’s your Life” by John Gold.