Beat The Heat

On this week’s show Jon and Megs discuss Christmas,getting older, and the church shooting at White Settlement.

This week’s featured song is, “Beat the Heat,” by Human Potential

Positive Affirmations with Special Guest Ili

On this week’s extra special episode, Jon and Megs hang out with special guest, Ili. Topics include squirts, affirmations, and tender dates.

This week’s featured song is “Monumental Shade” by Quiz Show

The Girl With The Cello In The Pope Mobile

On this week’s show, Jon has a good week, Ryan has a strange week, and Megs forgets to call back.

This week’s featured song of the week is “Never Know” by Thunderpussy

Built To Spill

On this week’s extra special episode, Jon and Megs are joined by the one and only REGINA!!! Yes, that Regina! Topics include emotional maturity, skin tags, and windows.

This week’s featured song is “NYC” by James Levy.

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Hey guys! It’s been a minute. On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Jon and Megs are joined by special guest Will. The trio discuss what they’ve been up to the past two weeks.

This week’s featured song is “SPF” by Magic City Hippies

Little Baby Guys

On this week’s show Jon and Megs talk about new kittens and old sex offenders. Hot Topics include Sarah Huckabee Sanders exit as press secretary, sending unsolicited d-pics will soon be a crime, a Netflix problematic prank show, snap-chat filters aiding in catching sexual predators, and a 32,000 year old wolf head.

This week’s featured song is “All the Black” by Cat Clyde

Siri Makes Me Nervous

On this week’s episode, Jon experiences loss, Megan kills bugs, and Ryan teaches children.

Hot topics include the Game of Thrones finale, impeachment, whether you disclose your child is a sociopath to their significant other, and processed food.

photo credit: Jordan Smith

This week’s featured song is “People Say Things Change” by local band Air Review.

Or Whatever

On this week’s special episode of Secretly Timid, Jon wins a poker tournament, Megs eats at Chili’s, Otieno gets passionate about anti-abortion legislation, and special guest Ryan has a difficult altercation with a neighbor.

Some light reading material:

The Russian “Fire hose of Falsehood” propaganda model

Agnotology and Epistemolical Fragmentation

This week’s featured song is “Hotel Last Resort” by Violent Femmes