


On this week’s episode, Jon, Nan, and Brian are once again joined by special guest Ryan Obermeyer! There is some quick Fair talk, and a 5 min review of Project Runway and The Walking Dead.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

acid baby jesus

Acid Baby Jesus in Greece

This week’s featured song is Row By Row by Acid Baby Jesus


The Old Shack in the Back

Old Shack


On this week’s episode, Jon, Brian Harmless and Nan react to the 9yr old uzi fiasco and Nan shares her review of Guardians of the Galaxy.

This week’s Hot Topics include :



This week’s featured song is Sorry I Stole Your Man by Jessica Hernandez & the Deltas.





V Was the Palate Cleanser


Brian was late. Jon was mad.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

ASTEROIDSGALAXYTOUR2This week’s featured song is My Club by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour


Big Problematic


Big Problematic

Once again only Jon and Nan are on the show. But guess what??? That’s a-OK! Nan gives some advice and Jon over-shares.

This week’s Hot Topics include:


This week’s featured song is Somewhere’s Sunshine by Aan



A Traditional, Baptist, Hardworking, Lady


On this week’s episode of Secretly Timid, Nan and Brian are stoked for the new season of Mad Men, while Jon is foaming at the mouth for the new season of Orphan Black.

This week’s Hot Topics include:

SnowbirdThis week’s featured song is All Wishes Are Ghosts by Snowbird


No one Likes a Bossy Bottom


bossy bottom


It’s Secretly Timid Sunday! Danielle is back!

This week’s Hot Topics include:

Amy RayThese week’s featured song is Oyster and Pearl by Amy Ray



GUATEMALA-AGATHA-DAMAGEWe are back! Nan is afraid of sinkholes.

This week’s hot topics include:

DuckyThis week’s featured song is Two over Ten by Ducky



Episode 182: People Sometimes Like to Joke


182New Cat Studio!!! WOOT!!!! This week, Brian, Jon, and Nan sit around and reminisce about the days of old.

This week’s Hot Topics include :

the_octopus_project_CROPThis week’s featured song is “Perhap” by The Octopus Project.