Welcome Back! Bidets, New Careers, and Chinchas

We are back! Topics discussed on this episode are bidets, bedbugs, and career changes. Gun safety, the Jan 6 committee, and Ezra Miller are also discussed.

Punk Rock Loser by Viagra Boys is the featured song

Cawthorn, Roe, Yeast Infection?

We are back! On today’s episode, Jon, Megs, and special guest Patrick discuss Madison Cawthorn, Roe V Wade, and someone you least expect has a yeast infection? Additional discussion includes Korean travel and beauty standards.

Photo Cred : Cristina Bercovitz

This episode’s featured song is Say the Name by clipping.

HBO Max, Down Syndrome, Sharks

Y’all…we are back from an impromptu hiatus. There are lots of barking dogs in Ft. Worth…but at least the flowers smell nice!

The featured song for this episode is Smoko by The Chats

Rasputina, Sleep Paralysis, Juvenile Sexual Shame

We’re back! Topics include all that is in the title…plus COVID, plus dogs barking, plus dentistry.

This episode’s featured song is Katie Cruel by Karen Dalton

Lots of Body Stuff with Special Guest Ryan

On this week’s episode, Jon and Megs are joined by special guest, Ryan. Topics include all the stuff you shouldn’t talk about in public. Pouty penis lips? Butt stuff? Free-balling? Etc.

This week’s featured song is Tohu Wa Bohu by Lord Buffalo